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On July first, the group-exhibition 'Polyphon, Mehrstimmigkeit in Bild & Ton' opens at the Kunstsammlung, the Museum für Angewandte Kunst and the Hofgut in Gera in Germany, with works of the following artists:

Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Félicia Atkinson, Oliver Beer, Candice Breitz, Carlfriedrich Claus, Kazumichi Fujiwara, Rolf Julius, Euridice Kala, Christina Kubisch, Christian Marclay, Vincent Meessen, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Rie Nakajima, Max Neuhaus, Olaf Nicolai, Ute Pleuger, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Matthieu Saladin, Lerato Shadi, Dennis Tyfus, Jorinde Voigt
(Stella Lohaus & Anny De Decker)
Last week the group-exhibition 'Outdoor Hiking with Sound & Other Fireworks' opened at Nachtegalenpark in Antwerp, with soundpieces by Jutine Grillet, Hantrax, Koba de Meutter & Hannelore Van Dijck, Sis Matthé, Dennis Tyfus, Koen Sels, etc
On July 14th, the annual 'La Fête Du Quatorze Juillet' is happening at Le Nor! Reservaions only.
posted on 29 Jun 2021 by dennis tyfus

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