
UE314 ZYKLOME A - "Uitgesproken (1980-1985) 2x LP + 76 page booklet
"Here it finally is, the first ever official reissue of all recorded material by Zyklome A, and as a bonus one unreleased track plus unreleased live recordings!
One of Belgium's earliest and most primitive hardcore punk bands' legendary ‘Made In Belgium' LP has been one of the rarest artifacts in the genre, and although it was bootlegged many times, the reason why an official reissue on vinyl has never been published is complicated.
Zyklome A's story starts in the middle of nowhere: in Bonheiden in early 1980, above a bank office.
Brothers Bie and Toon Puttemans started shredding and terrorizing ears and minds with Markus Verbeeck, without any knowledge of anything close to a scene or other people doing what they were doing. Completely isolated, they were struck by lightning with the genius idea of speeding up punk, playing Ramones chords backwards and letting the bank office's fire alarm go off with their wall of noise. When drummer Bie got to hear other hardcore records through a school mate, he was baffled to hear there were other folks out there doing what they were doing as well.
After a fire alarm and family drama too many, the trio moved to a tiny shed in the garden of the Verbeeck family to refine their special blend of primal hardcore. The rest is history! For just 5 years they became one of Belgium's most active HC bands, befriending many other classic main stays such as The Dirty Scums, Moral Demolition, Vortex, Wulpse Varkens etc., creating pits everywhere, and turning many a nazi skin's skulls into pulp!
When guitarist Toon "forgot" to fulfil his army service, he had to flee Belgium, and as the police harassed the other band members constantly about this, it became next to impossible to maintain Zyklome A.
Zyklome A morphed into Ear Damage, with different members.
In a later, army free future, a reunion of Zyklome A was not possible due to Toon's heroin problem. It is strange, and sad to say, that the cards played differently when Toon passed away. Zyklome A played 2 reunion gigs in 2016 with guitarist Pieter Coolen (of Toxic Shock fame) before Markus' severe back pain sadly also led to his passing.
This record is dedicated to Toon and Markus, whose spirits live on through their incredible music.
You will find the entire first album plus an extra LP with their part of the split single Moral Demolition, their tracks of the 'Alle 24 Goed' compilation LP, their tracks of the 'Second Time Around' compilation cassette, an unreleased track and a live recording at the height of their game from 1984 in Deventer (which includes covers such as 'These Boots Are Made For Walking' and 'Rock 'n Roll Rebel') and a 76 page book filled with tons of archive material such as flyers, lyrics, drawings, pictures and a lengthy interview with Bie Puttemans on this most possibly last Ultra Eczema release, Zyklome A's 'Uitgesproken (1980-1985)'.
Comes with a download code as well."
"On their third LP for Ultra Eczema, psychedelic blues gloomers Ignatz & De Stervende Honden have driven off the bendy sideroads and onto a straight, if not exactly narrow, path. And there's new sounds coming out of the stereo: The Les Rallizes Dénudés-type guitar fuzz of previous journeys has been phased out in favour of softer, repetitive VU stumbling and even some Fleetwood Mac-esque romance. But it remains an unmistakenly Ignatz & De Stervende Honden record, with all the necessary ingredients for long car rides, living room break-ups, morning glory, sunsets and drunken rambles about length, size and whatever else matters.
Edition of 800 copies Comes with an insert and a download code."
UE303 ELKO BLIJWEERT - "De Nor Des Hoofds / Prison Of The Mind" LP
"De Nor ('the can', or prison, in comic book Dutch) is an open-air venue/sculpture/pavillion at the Middelheim Museum in Antwerp. During its inaugural summer, Elko Blijweert played a live concert there that left an indelible mark on those lucky enough to witness it. What exactly did he do, you ask? Well, Blijweert basicly used the entire garden as an instrument alongside an array of pre-programmed pedals, keyboards, drum machines, guitars, a mandoline, and booze-bottle flutes. This record, a re-created version of that fabled performance, is a concept album of sorts.Your personal prison experience begins on Side One. You will be miserable! Terrified! You will fantasise about being released, or escaping, every night. The entire ordeal is narrated song-by-song with Blijweert's liner notes.
Back in civilian life, Blijweert is a master multi-instrumentalist and serial collaborator.He has played with Bad Influence, Front 242, The Tone Zones, Autistik Youth, Dead Man Ray, Kiss My Jazz and countless others.
Edition of 400 copies.
Dedicated to Marc Blijweert, Elko's father."
UE302 DENNIS TYFUS - "Skins, Brains & Guts" Book + MILES AWAY - "Oi In Eupen" One Sided 10"
"A 10" size catalog of Dennis Tyfus' exhibition 'Skins, Brains & Guts', which took place at Mieke Van Schaijk Gallery between November 2020 and January 2021.
In this exhibition Tyfus showed a installation, consisting of hyperreal sculptures of skinheads that replaced their Doc Martens with sandals, a wall that should have been broken down, a neon piece and a video with Luc Tuymans and Marcel De Cleer as a detective and a cop.
Miles Away (aka Milan W.) created an ultra cheesy soundtrack that makes late night dive bar parlando's look petite! Think Bohren played with greasy fingers and braces. Comes with a download code and a silkscreen on the flipside. Limited to 400 copies."
UE300 "DE NOR 2020" Gatefold LP
"Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Ultra Eczema celebrated its twenty-third birthday at home, alone: without Macaulay Culkin and without the traditional bacchanal. De Nor , a sculpture-pavilion in the grounds of the Middelheim Museum conceived and designed by Dennis Tyfus and FVWW Architecten, and a summer-long playground in peace time - had no choice but to free all its prisoners, even the jazz ones, and shut its gates. But the red beacon shall shine again! So please raise an overfilled glass to this deluxe vinyl edition featuring exclusive material by some of the artists who were booked to play there last summer - and some who weren't. Three cheers to Lori Goldston! Hiele! Agnes Hvizdalek! Nubots! Justine Grillet! Thurston Moore! Sami Bergold! Possessed Factory! Stacks! David Edren! Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt! Ka Baird! Ben Bertrand! Miaux! Lorie Bevins! and C.O.P.!
In defiance of pandemic-era dress-down codes, this edition (which is limited to 600 copies) is bedecked in a hardcover linen sleeve with debossed lettering and peek-a-boo die-cuts behind which Marcel, De Nor's legendary bartender, will carry on ignoring you for all eternity. There is also a download included and a cut-out-and-fold De Nor paper sculpture by Gerard Herman on the insert!
UE299 GAUTE GRANLI - "Blusens Fasong" LP
"The Norwegian wunderking of demented psychedelic song (de)structure is back with a fantastic collection of soft madness. His Animalskt LP was played in the UE office until you could see through it. Gaute Granli is a one man band, taking a complete stranger with thirsty ears by the nose to leave him/her/them behind, confused and hungry for more recognizable hope.
There's a constant form of recognition going on here in these 8 stretched songs, these strange flirts with folk music you think you know from somewhere, vocals that don't sound like they consist of words one knows, and pop parts that are stripped by a psychedelic gnome messing with loop pedals. Although everything magically works, and made it into a song structure of sorts, a melancholic almost religious dust of desperation sits uncomfortably on all these tunes, like a frog that was already licked on the back. Limited to 300 copies, comes with an insert, a download code and a UE sticker."
UE298 ORPHAN FAIRYTALE - "Titania Moon" LP
"First first-length release in eight years by the leading lady of sadtronics, psychedelic harmonies and blurred-out therapy tunes! The glass is never half empty and it's overflowing right now. Eva Van Deuren scrubbed away her past with a neon pink sponge to create a hyperreal album of old-skool fairytale sadness for Ultra Eczema, and simultaneously a harp-based record for our pals at Kraak Records in Ghent. The covid-19 crisis seems to be the catalyst for an abundance of creative madness; deadbroke but ready to gogo. Titania mask replica!
Limited edition of 300 copies with an etching in the run-out groove. Includes an insert."
UE297 KRAUS - "A Golden Brain" LP
"Ultra Eczema rarely reissues records: firstly, because we believe it's hard to improve on a good original (and we would never want to republish anything that isn't); and secondly, it's called the Internet and you can find everything on it. Nonetheless, in 2015 we reissued Kraus' 'I could Destroy You With A Single Thought', a CDR from 2004, because it was camping in our all-time favourite records list for a decade and the data on this erratic medium tends to erase itself, much like a troubled past.
A Golden Brain was published in the first wave of the Covid pandemic via Kraus' bandcamp as a digital release. And once again we couldn't help ourselves. This is Kraus at his best: if a bedroom could be a stadium, he would play the main stage!
Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes an insert, download code and a UE sticker."
"Ōgon Batto is an exercise in patience; indeed, a model of restraint in these trying times. Although a fixture of the Belgian underground for over a decade (as part of the Hare Akedod label and band, the latter with DSR Lines� David Edren), Bent Von Bent has released just two albums thus far.
A scroll through 'Browse' reveals a series of miniature compositions, bite-size psychedelic treats, a sequence of imaginary hyperlinks and clickbait for Generation Instant Gratification, reminiscent of the early work of Battiato, Francois De Roubaix, and Igor Wakhevitch.
Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes an insert, download code and a UE sticker."
UE294 BRORLAB - S/T 7"
"No Future turned out to be fairly spot on, though Honey Bane's girl on the run was just found back, over 40 years later as the singer of a futurist punk trio called Brorlab. Their gigs are everything the future should hold: pants down, only 10 minutes long, psychedelic gabber punk and smartass hits! Limited to 200 copies, comes in a foilprinted sleeve."
UE291 HIELE - "Sings" LP
"The Roman on the cover soldiers on in silence. This album is the product of excavations in materials recorded at home, EMS in Stockholm, Worm in Rotterdoom, and Willem Twee Studios in �s-Hertogenbosch, much of which has been collaged, recollaged, broken apart, bleeped backwards and put back together with the kind of casual elegance that takes years of practice to perfect.
Hiele is a very busy man: aside from his music (solo, commissions, and in collaboration with far too many people to mention here) he co-runs Table Dance, a bar-restaurant-venue in Antwerp's red light district, and Universal Exports, a shady organisation that occasionally releases records.
Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes a poster/insert, download code and a UE sticker."
UE290 PIERRE ELITAIR - "Gedigitaliseerde Cassettes" LP
"Pierre Elitair, Antwerp's loudest and oldest DJ, turned 60 in August.
His own mix is unique: hilarity, intellectual elitism, biology, punk primitive, beer, and a schlager singer in the red. He deejayed at many a wedding party, the Tour de France, every discotheque between Eupen and Ekeren Bos, the annual Serge Gainsbourg or Quatorze Juillet nights, and was the first in Belgium to ever play an acid house record. His weekly �magazine� Radio Ventraal, broadcast via the local subversive haven Radio Centraal, has been on air since the early '80s. It quickly became a legendary freakshow: its hosts storming the station every Sunday afternoon, usually after a sleepless night and lots of XTC, interviewing prostitutes, musicians, very sick people, beer brewers, other DJs, night crawlers and basically anyone they could get their grubby mitts on.
The '80s and '90s shows were especially hilarious because of the rapport between Pierre Elitair and his sidekick Daniel De Botanicus (aka Cassis Cornuta): the former hyper nervous, the latter dry as twigs. Aside from the eclectic sounds they played (acid house, hip hop, vintage French pop, psychedelic music), their show was also known for its jingles, taking the form of songs that mocked other radio hosts and pastiches of what was hip at the time. All this on-air activity resulted in a mountain of undated cassettes of which this record is a product of.
Limited edition of 300 copies with an etching in the run-out groove. Includes an insert with liner notes by Pierre Elitair and Kitty Lorus."
UE282-288 Six Stickers
Vlaanderen Frans Vlaamderen Vlaamderen, je zegt toch ook niet Vlaningen De leeuw is een afrikaans dier De leeuw komt voor in Afrika en India Je veu mayonaise
Your choice of 20 for €5. Stick them where the sun shines!
UE281 Dennis Tyfus: "Taf(f)elend Dansen (Een Gefaalde Vondst)" 60 pages Book
"Table Dance: a restaurant, bar, karaoke dive, concert venue, black hole and so much more, opened on 31 March 2018. Prior to that, its owners and operators Michelle Woods and
Roman Hiele invited Dennis Tyfus to propose a project for their new venture. The was no brief: it could be an artwork, a music-related event, or any other kind of spectacle. Never one to shy away from complications, Tyfus suggested a one-line daily poem that would be printed on till receipts instead of the usual 'Thank you and have a nice day'. This would be the case as long as Table Dance remained open. Suffice to say that this idea tanked almost immediately when technical hitches and poetry glitches collided.
This book collects all the leftovers, and was published on the occasion of Tyfus� 40th birthday which was celebrated with a NO CHOICE dinner, consisting of 40 courses, on 3 December this year. A copy was given to every attendee alongside their menu.
Limited edition of 300 copies.
UE280 A NO CHOICE forty-course dinner for Dennis Tyfus� 40th birthday
3 December 2019, Table Dance, Sint-Paulusplaats 25, 2000 Antwerp "To celebrate this milestone in a suitable manner (think Roman emperor or a newly-minted oligarch) a forty-course menu was devised by Table Dance's Michelle Woods and Rhys Savage and served to forty to guests. The menu includes a wide variety of dishes (some human) and more than a trace of nuts: Zure Mario, Krokante Vinger, Van Nature Bevlogen, Gerard Herman, Geringde Rammenastafari, Vertraagde Kunstpeer, Verweten Smeer, Daniel De Wereldvermaarde Botanicus, Gespiesde Vlaning, Witloof Met Witloof, Opgerolde Linkse Mat, De Scheepskameel, Bloedpop In Eigen Bruin, Liesbet Swings, Knolselder Uit De Muur, Heroschebeestenzalf, Ingewreven Miniatuurkool, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Ochtendyoghurt,Free Jazz Eendenpoel, Vincent Stroep, Guy & Madelijne, Lieven Martens Moana, Loftrompet In Keigeel, Halve Jeanne, Doordeweekse Akkervrucht, Afgeblazen Kanali�n, Nel Aerts, Vergeten Fruit In Een Nieuwe Jekker, Zelfstandige Kruimels, Verstopte Brandewijn, Verlaten Smokkelwaar, De Pomptaart, Walters Soethout, Een Kletskous, Gladde Muilpeer, Ruilen Met De Pet Op, Arglistige Kriep, Vergane Glorie, Jeroen Stevens.
Master of ceremonies: St�phane Schraenen" |
UE277 "DE NOR 2019" C90 Cassette
"A 90-minute survey of the majority of artists, musicians, and the odd comedian that performed at open air venue/sculpture De Nor this summer. It includes previously unreleased recordings by Al Fresco, Annelies Monser�, Astor, Battle-ax & Sofie, Brorlab, Chris Corsano/Richard Youngs/David Maranha, Christina Vantzou, Cocaine Piss, Condor Gruppe, Cyl�ne, Daniel Higgs, Eric Copeland, Hanne De Backer & Karen Willems, Joe Talia & Eiko Ishibashi, Jon Doe One, Kees Pempers, Koen Roggen, Lieven Martens Moana, Margarida Garcia, Mathieu Serruys, Merope with Jauna Muzika, Mia Prce, Milan W., Native Instrument, Penus, and Velma Spell.
This cassette will only be available from our website and at De Nor, and will remain in print as long as interest justifies it. All proceeds go to De Nor."
UE276 RTVS: "1981-2001 ... approximately" LP + 24 page booklet
"The connection with and love for Radio Centraal runs through Ultra Eczema's veins. The Antwerp-based station has functioned as a voice for myriad local underground movements for nearly forty years. From its inception, architect and ex-Situationist Rudi Renson and restaurateur Roland Rom were a critical, hilarious, and provocative voice in its repertoire of weirdos, chiefly via the weekly RTVS (Radio & Television Salon) programme. Lots of 'music' was made within this show, largely enabled by its presenters' revolving door policy of regularly inviting others to contribute or host: musician and artist George Smits, actionist and performer Jacques 'Jack The Rapper' Ambach, artist Jürgen Voordeckers, jazz saxophonist Mike Zinzen, aspiring philosopher and bass player Filip Baert, political activist Peter Terryn, troublemaker Jan 'JAC' Van Den Eynde, renaissance man Mark Meulemans, graphic designer Dominic Gregoire, fashion photographer Ronald Stoops, communist activist Leo Dierckx, feminist Ellen Verryt, translator and teacher Linda Greeve, biologist and Cassis Cornuta�s sole member Daniel Renders' You get the picture.
This compilation is far from complete. It is merely a selection from over 200 cassettes from the archives of Rudi Renson and Roland Rom's families. The book features interviews (in Dutch) with some of the show's main protagonists, and a long essay by Peter Terryn (in English). Limited edition of 250 copies. "
"Around the turn of the century, a psychedelic fellow from Argentina Miguel Sosa swapped the grass for the rainy streets of Antwerp. Miguel lived in the long-standing Villa Delfia squat and played classical acoustic guitar pieces on the street to earn the necessary survival dough, winding down with a sustained assault of endless Moog dreambient at home. In no time and seemingly out of nowhere, he'd become a weirdo fixture in town, and ten years later he vanished just as swiftly. In the ensuing decade, we confess to have forgotten a little about Miguel's music; it was so present in our lives that it was easy to take for granted. Then, a few monthsago, he sent us this mind-bending master of a record he had been working on for years. His essence seems to be etched into these pieces: filmic, dramatic, plastic-classical electronic music that could very well serve as the soundtrack to a documentary about this sweet Argentenian tripper. Much in the vein of Miaux or Blake Hargreaves, and somewhat like Miguel himself, this is music that sounds like it has always been there. We cannot express how happy we are to be putting this record out!
Limited edition of 200 copies"
"Second outing on UE by the shy dog Ignatz and his horny bloodhounds. These are songs to get lost in and confused by. Tripped-out blues folk that sounds like Les Rallizes Dénudés feedback in 100% Egyptian cotton. Limited edition of 600 copies. "
UE269 "ZILVERUITJES 12/2019" C90 Cassette
"Last one in the monthly Zilveruitjes mixtapes series� although some former editions were compiled on recycled, found cassettes, this edition was dubbed on "new" cassettes.
December edition. Includes music and sounds by Bill Nace, David Shrigley, Ensemble Phoenix Basel + Jérome Noetinger, Attersee, Stefan Neville & Greg Malcolm, Gaute Granli, Manchester Mekon, Mahendra Kapoor, John Bock, Makedonske Horo, Artists, Gerard Kornelis Van Het Reve,Fabien Collin, Steve Marreyt & Lieven Martens Moana, Valie Export & Monsti Wiener, Chris Lunch & Frieder Butzmann, Knotmees, Grupo San Francisko De Asis, Vom Grill and Prah Tao Approximately 75 copies. "
UE268 "ZILVERUITJES 11/2019" C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape (hopefully!) although all former editions were compiled on recycled, found cassettes, this edition was dubbed on "new" cassettes.
November edition. Includes music and sounds by Félix Blume, Zoltan Jeney, Laszlo Sary, John Bence, Claude Ledoux, Art Zoyd, Charles Loos, Tod Dockstader, Taller De Musica Mundana, Karl Holmqvist, JAB, Gerhard Røhm, Samm Bennett, Plonsky, Stine Janvin Motland, Los Exitos De Sex Pistols, Grow-Up, O.R.A.V., Sprach Kazoostra, Ennio Morricone, Vielleichtors, Brannten Schnüre, Anna Ricci and Jonas Palm. Approximately 90 copies. "
UE267 "ZILVERUITJES 10/2019" C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape � hopefully! � although all former editions were compiled on recycled, found cassettes, this edition was dubbed on "new" cassettes.
October edition. Includes music and sounds by Atilla The Stockbroker, Danielle Dax, Ben Bertrand, Leighton Craig, Shazad Ali Ismailly, Bear Bones Lay Low, Derroll Adams, Max Combo & Linda Greeve, Daniele De Santis, Robert Wyatt, Cassix, Gabbro, Hasil Adkins, C, The Electric Prunes, Funeral Brass Bands & Sounds From Port Au Prince, Varkenshond, David Edren, Clara Rockmore, Romperayo, Blidzoids. Approximately 90 copies. "
UE266 "ZILVERUITJES 09/2019" C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape � hopefully! � although all former editions were compiled on recycled, found cassettes, this edition was dubbed on "new" cassettes.
September edition. Includes music and sounds by Holefiller, Orkest Mxcombo & Friends, De Vliegende Plant, Wim De Bie, Laurie Anderson, Richard Deacan, Negative Gears, Frank Hurricane, David Peel & The Lower East Side, Mike Zinzen & Paul Dumont, Mikhail Chekalin, Justine Grillet & Mathias Mu, Charles Conord, Still House Plants, Nicole Van Den Plas. Approximately 83 copies. "
UE265 "ZILVERUITJES 08/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
August edition. Includes music and sounds by Die Scheissers, Lily Monnaie, Hiatus, Melissa Van Acker, Dry Weave, Lisa Del Bolation, Dirk Martens, Hazel Myers, Keith Hudson, NEET, Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers, Pleasure, Spike Jones, Kevin Ayers, The Art Blakey Percussion Ensemble, Skatta, Edward Neil, Buzzy Drootin, John Lennon & Yoko Ono, PZ3 Lokomotief, Paul Mccartney, Orkest De Volharding, Osojnik-Engelmayr-Faes-Kern, George Harrison, Johan Cornelissen, Yzeren Ui, Colette Roper, Wim Fanfare, and Girls On Fire. Approximately 83 copies. "
UE264 "ZILVERUITJES 07/2019" Recycled C60 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
July edition. Includes music and sounds by Dysuria, DMH, Rubbish Heap 90210, Schurft, PZ3 Lokomotief, The Nosepickers, and De Mensenbeul
This is a mix made of different recordings that date back to 1992 - 1995, mostly recorded at local punk gigs and chopped up at home afterwards. Approximately 83 copies. "
UE263 "ZILVERUITJES 06/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
June edition. Includes music and sounds by Mike Diana, Jonas Mekas, Bob & Lou, Gargles From Ipanema, Max Berlin, Crass, Bobby Colombo, Wojciech Rusin, Boudewijn De Groot, Butthole Surfers, Attempt, Ze Barbies, Marcel Van Maele, Flup B., David Medalla, Porkchoco, Leo Coomans, Edgar Wappenhalter, RR, AMVK, Bryan Ruryk; JB Slik & Ultraviolet and Colunst. Approximately 83 copies. "
UE262 "ZILVERUITJES 05/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
May edition. Includes music and sounds by Ernst Jandl, Liz Durette, Embassador Dulgoon, Jean-Marie Massou, Bart De Paepe, Phil Blankenship, Avoiddance, Catalogue, Little Howling Wolf, Gedichtje Van Marijke, The Alma Band, Diana Rogerson, Lunsentrio feat. Sarah Gonputh, Reifenstahl, The Parels, Mae Haera, Pompeo Stillo & The Companions, Captain Maurice Seddon, Gerogerigegege and Kristian Poulsen. Approximately 72 copies. "
UE261 "ZILVERUITJES 04/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
April edition. Includes music and sounds by Anders Vestergard & Niklas Adam , Yves Rensonet & Wireless Waves, Aiko Suzuki, Fritz M�ller & Band, Frank K�llges, Stine Janvin Motland, Sete Star Sept, Dennis Tyfus, Agnes Hvizdalek, H.N.A.S., S'Musik XX, Daisuke Suzuki, State Of Sabotage Anthem, Insekten Sekte/Resistentie Orkest/Deskundologisch Laboratorium, Erkin Koray, Michael Barthel, Rev. 33, Franz Graf, Instant Composer Pool, Furious Pig, Maurice Lemaitre, Etant Donnes, Augusto Concato and Washing Machines At The Funny Farm. 80 copies were made"
UE260 "ZILVERUITJES 03/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
March edition. Includes music and sounds by Cees Buddingh, Erik Thys, The Simpletones, Crystal Thoughts, Nato , Blod, Eartha Kitt, Orchid Spangeofora, De Blenders, De Kommeniste, Tornaado, Plexigadz, Oscar Abril Ascaso, La Banda's, RTVS, Pequod , The Embryo Surveyors and Bill Orcutt. Approximately 80 copies "
UE259 "ZILVERUITJES 02/2019" Recycled C90 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
February edition. Includes music and sounds by Jacky, Zbolk, Gust Gils, Sunburned Elephants, Karaoke in China, Kraus, George Smits, Jack The Rapper, J�rg Schlick & Megabody, DJ Pinchado, Stilluppsteypa, Erik Van Lieshout, Emanuel Dilhac, Michael Snow, Domingo Cura, Bona Valesco, Stan & Ajam, Soft Focus, The Nosepickers, Hermann Nitsch, Ballet Ramayana, Daniel Op Aarde, Hewald Jongenelis, Renee Simons, Nato, DDAA, Jack The Rapper and AK37. Approximately 80 copies "
UE258 "ZILVERUITJES 01/2019" Recycled C60 Cassette
"A monthly mixtape - hopefully! - compiled on recycled, found cassettes.
The sound quality can be rather psychedelic, but so can life.
January edition. Includes music and sounds by King Charles Head, DSR Lines, Grey Skull, Zero Positives, Jäy Condom & Gärs Panter, Serge Gainsbourg, Menstruation Sisters, Marcelle Van Bemmel, Guillaume Bijl, LD50, TUOB, Church Police, Wannes Van De Velde, AGOG, Radio Centraal jingles, Catalogue, Pascal commelade, Michael Van Den Abeele, and Cotton Casino. Approximately 72 copies"
UE257 BLAKE HARGREAVES - "Improvisations On The Pipe Organs Of Europe" LP
"Canadian Blake Hargreaves got deeply into classical music and specifically the church organ as a child. When he was 11, he accidentally discovered that some of his school friends sang in a church choir. Once, during practice at school, they belted out the kind of high notes that would turn the students' heads and the singers� faces red. Impressed, and encouraged by the fact that choir membership entailed getting paid, Hargreaves wanted in. Having had piano lessons, the leap to church organ (via stints in various noise bands) was an obvious choice.
This album presents a selection of nine tracks, recorded in churches in Genova, Hchst, Den Haag, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Budapest and Frankfurt. Limited edition of 300 copies with a download code. artwork by Jef Cuypers"
UE256 MIAUX: "Black Space, White Cloud" LP
"Following two singles, two albums, and a bunch of compilation tracks, we are proud to present Miaux�s third LP.
Mia Prce, originally from Sarajevo and a Belgian resident since 1989, was reared on a psychedelic diet of Krautrock and similarly serpentine music by her artist parents who were part of the Antwerp-based (and over fifty years old) Ercola collective. Beautiful songs that break hearts without using a sharp object! More tears for the creatures of the night. Limited edition of 400 copies. "
"A masterclass in linguistics and a repeat reminder of the trouble one can get into when carrying a name that is either too long, too short or too complicated for most tongues to twist around. The screen printed image on the flipside holds the key to this mystery. (And if you squint at it for a while it might also reveal Paul McCartney's real identity.) Limited edition of 150 copies. Includes a bent piece of leftover screen printed carboard and a sticker."
"Frank Hurricane�s legend is such that many have heard his name years before hearing his music.
Hurricane Frank, if you will, is the kind of character that can spin an audience into a psychedelic vortex that will have you yelping HOLY PYMP BREW repeatedly as you zigzag your way back home. His music possesses a nagging quality: a dizzying mix of scruffy rap, Casio tones and raw dictaphone poetry that sounds like it always existed in that quattro formaggi part of your mind.
Originally released as a self-published cassette, and subsequently on CDR by Joshua Burkett�s Mystra label; both in ridiculously small runs. Limited to 250 numbered copies. Includes insert."
UE253 W. RAVENVEER: "Fuzzy Hair Electronics Vol. 1" LP
"W. Ravenveer � Erwin Van Looveren � has been a friend for over 20 years. Erwin is a magnet and connoisseur of strange and obscure music, and prone to nervous sweating should you mention a band or weirdo he doesn�t know. His early guitar gigs (as Schidzoid) are the stuff of legend, a reputation largely based on altercations with members of the audience. Having thumped everyone in sight, Erwin�s focus shifted to buying and mastering synthesizers with his customary zeal. After self-publishing a dozen or so cassettes, usually adorned with his neon horror vacui drawings, UE is pleased to present the first W. Ravenveer LP. Synth blubber! Mental boogie! Spoken intro and outro! And still in your face: the front cover is a portrait of the artist. Glossy, full-colour sleeve. Limited edition of 250 copies"
UE252 SPELEOCOMBO: "Speleocombo Speelt VU" 7"
"Speleocombo was a casual collective of Dutch art students that convened in the Antwerp Academy in the late �80s. The core of this group consisted of Hewald Jongenelis and Egbert Aerts, sporadically joined by Fons Debaedts and several others, all of whom are still active in the fields of painting and drawing. During their time in Antwerp they hosted a show on Radio Centraal, Het Universeel Programma, and released several scarcely distributed cassettes and one single. This single�s entire pressing is part of an artwork by Hewald Jongenelis: all the copies are in a jukebox, with only very few escaping eternal confinement. The song niet open doen (don�t open it) was pressed on both sides of this jewel and it became a sort of underground hit in certain circles. The Ultra Eczema edition features a pair of near-exact Velvet Underground covers, There She Goes Again and Temptation Inside Your Heart, with the exception of being sung in Dutch.
Riso-printed sleeve in two slightly different versions. Limited edition of 200 copies"
UE250 UNCLE JIM: "My Niece's Pierced Knees" Invitation card single
"The 250th release on Ultra Eczema is for free! When visiting antwerp last summer, Uncle Jim (aka Alvarius B), recorded a rant for the invitation card single that anounces Dennis Tyfus' exhibition 'My Niece's Pierced Knees', opening on October 27th at Middelheim Museum in Antwerp. This card single was send out for free to everyone in the museum's mailing list. The first 40 people that order anything in the Ultra Eczema shop will get it as well! My Niece's Pierced Knees runs until March 17th, 2019."
For free with any ultra eczema order, until they're gone!
UE245 MIAUX: "Hideaway / Dive" CD
"Both of Miaux's grand LP's, pressed on 1 cd, for maximum sadness! Take out the box of tissues, bring on them salty rivers of sadness! limited to 300 copies."
"Two side-long mental bar crawls with these distinguished minds. Payment in kind, please! And definitely no cards; this is not Copenhagen. Burping the blues, straining for Schnapps, sweating for extra ice. Make mine a double!
Or 300, with a full-colour sleeve and insert."
UE241 STILLUPPSTEYPA: "Beach Jolanda" LP
"It�s taken 14 years for these extravagant Icelandic artist troubadours to follow up their last (untitled) album. (At least they managed to give this one a name ; imagine what else they�d be capable of if we� d waited another five years. ) Beach Jolanda transposes their classic calipso - beach - bar - laptop - organ g ibberish to the unmanned terrain of public lavatories in the dead of night. But i t wouldn�t be a party without guests: BJ Nilsen, Oren Ambarchi, Porsteinn Eyfj�rd, Gerard Herman and Kristin Anna all turn up here, wielding bottles and other unlikely instruments.
Limited edition of 400 copies, Full - colour sleeve and insert."
"The Ramones� first LP has been a perennial favourite at the Ultra Eczema headquarters.
For years, these tunes served as the battle cry to table or pole dance at Bar Tabac, Caf� Witzli Poetzli, Gunther, stadslimiet or Scheldapen. Whilst bathed in sweat at one such occasion, the idea arose to create a tribute of some kind � a homage to the record but specifically to Joey Ramone. A long night out and a fleshbook post later, a young artist and musician by the name of Clara Lissens had come forward with an ace up each black leather sleeve: she could score the record and perform it entirely on the recorder. The result is as challenging as it is mesmerising. Limited to 150 copies with a booklet of the scores."
UE239 DENNIS TYFUS: "Up- And Downgrades Pt.1" Book
"For his first solo exhibition at Pinkie Bowtie, which ran between 15 April and 7 May this year, Dennis Tyfus has gone back to basics. Using the age-old tradition of the self - portrait, he draws a pathetic yet whimsical tale of daily life and the mundane annoyances that befall him. These inconsequential frustrations are offset by bright and poppy colours, resulting in a deceptively cheerful set of drawings, luring you in.
This catalog ue collects all the drawings that were shown during the exhibition, in addition to several which were produced concurrently but not displayed.
A4; full-colour offset print Layout by Jef Cuypers ; introduction by Allon Kaye UE 239 / Bowtie Books 001"
UE238 DENNIS TYFUS: "Op de rand van de marginaliteit & de internationale doorbraak" Book
"In April 2017 the Antwerp Letterenhuis, a museum and archive that collects the letters and archives of predominantly Belgian writers, invited artist initiative Pinkie Bowtie to be part of their Letterenhuisfestival: a celebration of words, language, and the occasional watermelon . To mark this event, each of Pinkie Bowtie�s founders created and performed a piece in-situ at their Wolstraat gallery. Dennis Tyfus� contribution is a collection of his recent poems, presented in this book and entirely in Flemish."" Limited to 150 copies"
UE237 CANED ICODA & DENNIS TYFUS: "NO FILTER" Black hooded sweater
"The deal is still on : every time Caned Icoda (Milan - based artist, fashion designer,
musician, furniture futurist, Ghandi lookalike) and Dennis Tyfus (Antwerp-based massagist, cheese fetishist, eater, aansteller, pole dancer, Joris Goorden lookalike) meet up, they produce an edition together. T hese editions often take the form of T-shirts bearing collaborative drawings and paintings, though the first such endeavourwas in fact a cassette. But let�s not digress; this blurb is about a sweater and
it�s nearly summertime. The latest edition commemorates the birth of the NO FILTER crew (see what they did there?), an international cabal of sly experts, with a hooded dark grey hooded sweater silkscreened in four colours."
UE240 ALBERT MAYR: "Drop Studies" LP
"Three wooden box-shaped sculptures, each consisting of a container of water, an infusion hose and a seemingly random selection of metal and plastic items, cans, cups, bottles etc. The sculptures are equipped with piezo microphones which are plugged into amplifiers. One sculpture has a camping stove, another an empty water tank; these are affixed to the bottom of each structure. The hose pipes the water from the tank which, at certain intervals, drips onto the mic�d items. The water then cascades onto the next item and so on, until it finally reaches the stove or collects in the empty water tank. The resultant recordings are amplified for clarity and played simultaneously, creating a polyrhythmic composition. Limited to 150 copies with an insert."
"The only thing Australia, Canada and Sweden have in common is taking in an abstract position in a vague situation! In July 2016, a strong arctic wind blew open the windows that separate the mean streets of Stockholm from the city's legendary EMS Studios. Oren Ambarchi, Crys Cole and Leif Elggren were the only folks present in the studio at that point; not much could be done besides making the best out of a bad situation. Ambarchi burned the studio carpet to stay warm; Cole made a tower of stones to hide behind; and Elggren, with ice-cold resolve, tried using a microphone to connect with his fellow Elgaland-Vargaland citizens but to no avail. This music sounds like paper, crumbled old candy, and a lot of dust. It sounds like some weather. Limited to 300 copies."
"Dog Lady Island, also known as Dog Lady � monikers of multi-instrumentalist Michael Collino � plopped out of the sewers of Michigan in 2009 via the same skate scene that included Aaron Dilloway, Nate Young and Heath Moerland. They composed their rigs from homemade instruments and deteriorated electronics to create a particular brand of Michigan noise � sparse, horror-inflected and psychedelic. Dog Lady�s early work was mostly of the drone violin variety, later evolving into de-tuned strings and rewired Marantz tape deck antics.
On �Chopin�, Dog Lady Island turns the spotlight on the dark side of the disco ball, rendering the composer�s famous Nocturnes and Preludes with just a zither and with mesmerising results." Limited to 300 copies"
"Quite simple, a gift voucher to get a No Choice Tattoo...
There's 4 different cards, one for 80 euro, one for 100 euro, one for 150 euro and one for 200 euro.
The cards are Riso Printed at Risiko Press."
Take a look at some NO CHOICE TATTOOS here: ultraeczema.com/nochoice/
UE231 DENNIS TYFUS: "Bedways is Bestways" Postcard set
"Thirty-four individually-titled postcards, drawn in bed by Dennis Tyfus. Housed in a handy cardboard box. Limited to 163 copies"
UE229 PLEXI GLADZ: "The 4th Demention" LP
"Plexi Gladz�s sole available recording � 1981�s Mind Control 7" - spawned a cult hit (Verveling [Boredom]) and over 35 years of intrigue. Who are these people? Rumours circulated that Jo Bogaert (of Technotronic fame) was involved; and artist Harald Thys. But not Siobhan Fahey. In a classic case of Chinese Whispers, Jo Bogaert turned out to be Brussels-based Paul Bogaert who together with Joost Balis and the backing of their local bar self-released the aforementioned single with little fanfare and even less distribution and promotion: copies were clandestinely deposited in record shops, without a word or a wink to the unsuspecting proprietors.
Although they rehearsed weekly between 1978 and 1982, Plexi Gladz never performed live. Besides Joy Division, neither Bogaert nor Balis seem to know the music of their obvious contemporaries: Throbbing Gristle, SPK, Club Moral, Votnik, Vortex Campaign et al. Not that you would guess: teenage bedroom punk, oddball repetitive junk industrial, adolescent noise, it�s all there. Edition of 300 copies.
Includes an insert with archival photos and a letter from Virgin Records on the cover."
"Lips pairs Roman Hiele � the ultimate Antwerp cocktail karaoke swinger � and Lieven Martens � �dad of the year�, field recordist and English teacher. This outing, the duo�s first, was recorded at the venerable electronic studios of Worm in Rotterdam and at Studio De Ziltige Olijf in central Antwerp, where the stench of salty human bulk creeps into your mouth from about a mile away. During Hiele-Martens� few concerts one could detect and, indeed, savour a Jiskefet-like attention to detail: the correct lighting, and a sensitivity towards �tiny� sounds (such as ice cubes � shaken, not stirred � and little bells). The recordings on this LP make the ears work like they should, and they therefore require your full attention." Full-colour sleeve � a portrait of the duo by Dennis Tyfus � plus insert. Limited to 300 copies"
UE220 DENNIS TYFUS: Hier! (En u?) "Niemand Wacht Graag" Book + Plexy Lathe Cut 7"
"Book (die-cut cover, gilded edges) and plexy lathe-cut single (pro-cut, screenprinted on the non-playing side) in a bespoke cloth-covered box. This edition was produced in conjunction with the work 'Hier rust Dennis Tyfus' � a commission for the '11 kunstenaars tegen de muur' outdoors exhibition in Antwerp that opened on 1 July of the year 2016 at 6pm! This book was presented at Ercola (Wolstraat 31, Antwerp) on the very same night, between 6 and 9 pm, accompanied by a live concert by Rem�rk who played 'De Vogeltjesdans' in a longer, different version than the church/death march one on the 7" in this fancy box!
The book includes photos of Dennis Tyfus, and all the paperwork for the pre-arrangements for his funeral, plus his legally-authenticated will. Edition of 150 copies."
"When the hotel is empty before the fire alarm goes off , one could question the staff � or the band that emptied it.
Cannibal like their ice - cream dark ; one of their members makes GG Allin look petite when visiting the restaurant, mixing it up with the restroom. This band is the result of a staff meeting between Detroit - based book beatnik, toy thief and original Destroy All Monsters member Cary Loren ; Paris - based, Californian visual artist and member of Gobbler Cameron Jamie; and Blankenberghe-based con-artist and footballteam manager Dennis Tyfus.
This meeting resulted in several collage concerts � including a memorable gig at a wedding party where the members of Cannibal out - dressed the bride and the groom � and a previous record on the New York - based book/artist record publisher Primary Information. We find ourselves here, stuck at a rave where the DJ only plays slide guitar on his eye phoam, backed - up by a poet that smells as bad as I do, and a baboon attempting to erect his snake Maganga-style.
Two side - long collages that drag you from the restroom to the ballroom, via the deepest armpits of the basement where The Cramps used to do their sit-ups � with their wigs on. Limited to 300 copies"
UE218 BAZUINSCHAL: "Bazuingeschal" LP
"One night, a few years ago, Danish saxophonist Mette Rasmussen blew so extremely hard on her instrument that Dennis Tyfus - in bed in Belgium, fending off animals in his sleep - woke up with permanent ear and brain damage.
Sometime later, Rasmussen travelled to Belgium to record with the afflicted Tyfus. The result is a fruit cake, kneaded with the bloodied hands of a butcher. It sounds like a room but it's pitted with chewy rubber, spat onto a cassette recorder that is playing and recording at the same time whilst Lisa Simpson grins and presses a tiny yellow foot on the tape. It's 'free' and it's 'jazz', like a steamed-up window in a car park toilet. Edition of 300 copies."
UE217 REM�RK: "Principium 2.1" LP
"After years and years of summer whine, begging and massages, Rem�rk has finally committed to an LP!
Rem�rk is the name under which Kris Delacourt hides his synth madness, home-made instruments and secret jewels; not just some squirky synth bubbles: we're talking huge wah wah glass pots driven by bike pedals, magnets that react to lightning whilst spinning around, deformed church organs etc.
For this debut LP Rem�rk re-collaged the recordings of an installation he made with 12 vinyl records, six turntables and custom electronics last summer at artist space Stadslimiet in Antwerp.
Principium 2.1 is the result of the result of a result, drifting further and further away from its original idea; as usual� The foundations for these recordings were laid when fellow Belgian artist Vaast Colson invited Rem�rk to interpret one of his artworks using sound. The chosen work was Principium which is based on the sheets of colour dot stickers that galleries typically use to denote sold artworks. Drawing random lines across these sheets, Colson ended up with small fragments of lines on the stickers which he then reassembled into a new continuous line or a closed shape, and which in turn he thought would make interesting graphic scores.
The sticker sheets, with their 8x12 grid resembling a sequencer, immediately appealed to Delacourt. This paved the way to Principium 1.0: a modified casio keyboard from which all keys but a single octave were removed, and to which an 8x12 sequencer was added. The latter uses the same layout as the sticker sheets, activated by placing white magnets on its surface to build sequences, mirroring the blank spaces of the missing stickers in the original artwork.
In 2013, Peter Fengler of De Player/DOB records asked Dennis Tyfus to make a Principium 1.0 record, though Delacourt wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea of a 'definitive' recording. After some processing and rethinking the whole thing Principium 2.0 saw the light of day in 2015: an edition of 12 ten inch records, each one containing a different note combining to the full 'octave'. [The drones on each record contained various layered octaves, so that last bit is not strictly accurate.] The first record has the original recording, which is a slowly-shifting ten-minute organ-and-synth improv thing in a C note. Each subsequent record has that same recording sped up until it reaches the correct pitch: B note at around 5'20". The Principium 2.0 edition also contained a custom-built device that plugs in between the record player and stereo, switching the sound of the record on and off using a magnetic sensor. The magnets are placed around a 12� metal plate (also included) that sits underneath the record, turning the turntable into a sequencer.
For the presentation of Principium 2.0 at Stadslimiet Rem�rk used six turntables, matching-up with the original six sticker colours (which were replicated for the vinyl). Delacourt programmed a random score generator in Pd that determined which (if any) of the two records for each turntable was to be played, at what volume, and the mode the electronics should be in (the magnets can cause either gaps in the sound, or bursts of sound in the silence). This score was then followed for eight hours continuously. The Principium 2.1 LP contains four straight excerpts: no edits, no processing. These excerpts, selected by Rem�rk, quite accurately represent the possibilities of the installation, but also hold their own as musical miniatures.
Limited to 200 copies with an insert featuring liner notes by Rem�rk"
UE215 DENNIS TYFUS: "Summer Whine" Book
"A visual report of sorts, collecting 64 full-color drawings from the past six months or so. These drawings were intended as working sketches for paintings, though the latter never materialised. Instead, you can ponder what might've been in the privacy of your own home.
This compendium of unrealised potential is offset printed and clad in a beautiful letterpress linen cover. Not much to whine about, after all." Limited to 500 copies"
UE214 BART DE PAEPE: "Stekene" LP
"Father Slow, or Bart Sloow, also known as Bart De Paepe, is undoubtedly the first (and possibly only) Belgian citizen to have made Michael Gira blush. This is why you may have heard of him. However, despite his nickname, he is the foremost provider of psychedelic cassettes and splendid eye torture via his Sloow tapes and Sloowwax labels.
For the longest while I had absolutely no clue Bart De Paepe was also the elusive author of psychedelic hits, songs that always seem to have been there, hard to divide �zoners�, reminiscent of early Spacemen 3 after a serious dose of natural codeine. All instruments on this record are played by the man himself. It�s an instant classic psychedelic bedroom record that makes you wish reality was painted in green on red throbbing waves.
Psychedelic cover with a portrait of our hero, plus insert. Limited to 200 copies"
UE213 BLAASTAAL: "De Paardenmarkt" Single-sided LP
"Blaastaal started 10 years ago as a moniker under which artist Bert Lezy produced a show on Radio Centraal in Antwerp, and a label releasing CDRs and cassettes. A joint endeavour with Mik Prims until 2015, and Bert�s solo collage dessert since. The radio shows and audio output both focus on collages. Their content is extracted from the news, instruction cassettes, TV shows � the oral vomit of our beloved fellow citizens clogging up the ether any given week prior to a broadcast of Blaastaal!
De Paardenmarkt is a street in Antwerp where Lezy runs Troebel Nyntje together with Idris Sevenans, a space that focuses on confusing the socialism in this particular area in the centre of town. Whether a tribute to this locale, or a literal homage � Paardenmarkt is Dutch* for �horse market� � this record is indeed about horses, and how to market them properly.
Full colour silk-screened sleeve with a glued-in sticker and a screen-print on the B side. Limited to 150 copies
UE210 PETER FENGLER: "Vegetarians" Single-sided 7"
"In the hallway� and �down the tailpipe�, many ideas have been chit-chatted about with the Dutch visual artist, performer, producer, musician and publisher Peter Fengler in the past ten years or so.
Residing in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Fengler was flexible and horny enough to change his country�s general abuse of language intoa uniquely personal poetic goo. The natural deadpan look in his lamps and the tone rising from deep down his nostrils is a feast for one�s eyes and ears. The recording on this single is proof that we are not trying to sell you a lie here.
Recorded straight into a lathe cutter, this improvised sound poem is what American English sounds like to most five-year old vegetarians from Europe � like Teddie Klaus Fengler, Peter�s daughter, to whom this record is dedicated.
Packaged in a fold-open, offset-printed sleeve on paper which lost its true colours long ago. Includes a phonetic translation of the single�s text for you to twist your tongue around. The non-playing side is screen-printed with Peter's own boca.
Limited to 114 copies, available from Ultra Eczema only."
UE209 MIAUX: "Hideaway" LP
"Following two singles and an LP on UE , we are delighted to announce Miaux�s new album! Originally from Sarajevo, and a Belgian resident since 1989, Miaux - pronounced the French adult, not the feline way - returns with a propertearjerker in her classic deadpan style.
Mia Prce got her first keyboard when she was five years old. A rarity in the UE catalogue, and like labelmate Cassis Cornuta, Prce is a trained musician. But do read on!
Hideaway consists of seven stunning instrumentals that blend and gently warp Miaux�s formative influences: Mike Oldfield, Roxy Music, Krautrock and German electronic music, Vangelis and Badalamenti.
Despite being happier than you and I and her own earlier records, Prce�s daughter asked for �this sad music� to be turned off when they were listening to the finished master for the first time. Edition of 400 copies with insert. Cover art by Dennis Tyfus. Offset printed in gold and copper."
UE208 NOOR: "Wont to Wanton Eyebath/Synapse Fusion Refusal" 7"
"This took forever but here it finally is: after a few failed pressings, a broken back, lost contact, etc.; we are truly sorry we made all you Noor fans wait! Noor is Nour Mobarak, an artist working in performance, sound sculpture, and voice. She�s interested in the rational structures that are created to safeguard the irrationalities of each individual. Her work investigates the stifled compulsions and violent or desirous impulses of people and nation-states. Noor�s music is hard to describe, though this 7" sits comfortably somewhere between oddball lo-fi pop and sound poetry. Noor's voice seems deeper than usual, and that's a compliment. Limited to 200 copies. Embossed cardboard sleeve with an insert/lyric sheet."
UE205 AF URSIN: "Classement Vertical" LP
"In any constellation: with In Camera (his duo with Christoph Heemann), Noise-maker's Fifes (A Belgian Audio-visual collective, active between 1989 and 2006) Elodie (his duo with Andrew Chalk), as a duo with Belgian percussionist Kris Vanderstraeten, in Nivritti Marga (with Fr�d�rique Bruyas and Raymond Dijkstra), as a live member of Nurse With Wound, and most recently with Sloow Tapes' Bart De Paepe as Ilta H�m�r�. Anything the Belgian-Finnish walking improv encyclopedia that is Timo van Luijk touches changes into ear candy! The kind of sugar the children of the revolution getout of bed for, whilst their parents are sleeping off their trips to other dimensions. Af Ursin has been van Luijk's solo moniker since around 1990. Apersonal venture inspired by the forest and nature, mountains of experimental music, and the instruments surrounding him and his rural Flanders base. His multi-instrumentalist abilities are largely spread out on this odd addition to Af Ursin's catalogue. Classement Vertical retains Af Ursin's well-documented (primarily via van Luijk's La Scie Dor�e imprint) palette of ols and obscure instruments: a sound that appears to have been recorded on top of an old clock, though in this instance time is indeed in a warp. The record commences with a side-long piece that slowly creeps from psychedelic free jazz to a big band sound, whilst the second side is split between a spatial slow dripper and a wild way to bury Dave Brubeck forever... Limited to 300 copies with insert."
UE203 Dennis Tyfus: "Do you want to go on a date with me? ... No? ... Let's just be friends, then?" Book
"This publication was produced on the occasion of the exhibition �Do you want to go on a date with me? ... No? ... Let's just be friends, then?' at Kunsthalle S�o Paulo, Brazil. [29 October � 28 November 2015; curated by Marina
Both the short story and title are based on the front cover
photo collage. This is the first time DT wrote a short story, and it might also be the last time.
20 pages Riso printed with gloss cover.
Limited edition of 100 numbered copies."
UE201 Dennis Tyfus and Canedicoda: "18 years Ultra Eczema" t-shirt
"Third (or fourth) t-shirt made collaboratively by Italy's Canedicoda and DT. Any reason is good enough to keep this long-distance flame burning � this time, it's to commemorate UE's 18th birthday party at Les Ateliers Claus in Brussels which took place on 19 September 2015.
Limited edition of 30, available in large, medium, small"
"A live recording, made during the Ultra Eczema Strafstudie night at Vooruit in Ghent, one of the most beautiful ballrooms in Flanders.
Four turbulent parts blended across two sides. It is sometimes hard to hear who's doing what here: vocals and strings, tapes, bells and percussion become an oddball of dust, blown into the narrow streets of improv; none of the �free
music solo rules' are obeyed here. Somebody else, living in that same street as it were, mentioned that �it sounds like a whole village of monks turning against buddhism, trading smiles for grunts�. Gh�dalia Tazart�s (master of dramatic vocals that travel from Tibet to John Lydon), Chris Corsano (still the last drummer on earth), and Dennis Tyfus (trying hard to listen, for once) have played together three times and for as long as it will remain a challenge to properly record together, this LP is exactly what it should be.
Limited to 300 copies. Offset printed sleeve with collage art by DT, plus two inserts with liner notes by Byron Coley."
UE198 DSR LINES: "Analogie Van De Dageraad" LP
"Taller than most members of The White Sinterklaas Club or Boyd Rice, DSR Lines (or David Edren's) stack of analogue synth beauty is finally towering over the dwarfs that roam the abandoned Smurf villages right next to Synth Niklaas! It surely is a pleasure to see him play beyond Belgium: a die-hard, and for a very long time one of the country's best kept secrets in electronic music. Slowly expanding from throbbing analogue dreamworlds to Battiato-style joy, this record is a reissue of a cassette that was released last year on JJ Funhouse (and sold out in three seconds). The tracks herein are improvisations, recorded at the EMS studio in Stockholm, extensively drawing on the sounds of the Buchla 200 and Serge synthesizers.
Limited to 300 copies. Duotone offset-printed cover by DT, plus insert."
UE197 FLUWELEN KOORD: "Luxe Poesjes" 7"
"One thing is for sure: those paintings are not going to make themselves!
Shaking the hands of these four painting graduates is much easier since Fluwelen Koord came into being; these days, they're as clean as my dad's white car. They've buried their brushes and pencils ever since their debut CDR sold out (all 35 copies of it). In no time at all, with jackets firmly buttoned, they've forged ahead to dominate stages in Belgium and Holland with their combination of non-music, no wave art punk and plastic dandyism; arrogant Flemish poems couched in a racy Croatian accent.
Limited to 200 copies, stamped artwork by Dennis Tyfus"
UE196 MIAUX: "Above The High Rays" Cassette
"Tears seem to have made sufficient space for a shy smile on Miaux's latest audio massage, although the general mood remains that of being �alone in a bar at 6am while the cleaner politely asks you to put your feet up, like all
the other furniture�. Let's keep things simple and clear, like in Sarajevo: A and B are the same on this cassette;
the audio was created as a soundtrack for a screening of Ren� Clair's silent movie Paris Qui Dort from 1923. Miaux must have been younger than her wild child is right now. Being woken up with Tubular Bells daily as a child instead of the ringtone that seems to be stuck in Antwerp cathedral certainly made its mark� Instead of playing with talking dolls everyday, Miaux had to drill for gold to procure a bowl of Balkan soup, resulting in the beauty her destroyed hands push out of these keys!
Feeding Tube will publish a slightly-different-but-the-same audio on vinyl this summer. This cassette is limited to 150 copies."
UE195 KRAUS: "I Could Destroy You with a Single Thought" LP
"I Could Destroy You with a Single Thought', by New Zealand's mysterious bedroom legend Kraus, was originally self-published as a CDR in 2004. I am quite sure it is the most played CDR at the UE office, and after 11 years it still plays. It is also our very first reissue, and happens
to coincide with our 18th birthday.
We usually rant a little here, in pseudo poetic antics, trying hard to describe how a record sounds and looks. This time you'll have to trust
us that it is one of the best albums of psychedelic bedroom anthems you'll ever hear: all hits, in a classic way. We have just released it on vinyl so you (and me) can find it easily; no more digging between hundreds of spineless CDR sleeves. Nerds!
limited to 200 handnumbered copies"
"The Verboden Boys is a international punk band, working in chapters, per city, country or continent, some countries or areas have more Verboden Boys than others. There's not many rules, and if there are, they're there to BREAK!
The Verboden Boys are a very repetitive band, with songs no longer then 2 minutes, The Verboden Boys can of course be a girl band, "The Verboden boys" is just a name, and not in any way limited to gender, sexuality or skin colour, as stated before, The Verboden Boys are a International band. All local chapters of The Verboden Boys are in charge of organizing their own gigs, though all chapters always all play on the same day.
This recycled t shirt is the first Verboden release, it was made before The Verboden Boys ever played a note!
All shirts are size S."
UE193 SPEEDQUEEN: "New Wave Copy Center / How is your Popo?" 7"
"The photocopier is a joy to work with � though not in your tiny apartment, and it can be expensive to maintain. That's precisely why copy centers are a great help! In Antwerp, Belgium, where Speedqueen is based, the cheapest copy centre was more akin to a darkroom than a help desk. Its two employees were depressed, almost identical goth sisters � they both had thick, red and black oil painted hair, white skin and dodgy piercings, tightly wrapped in black clothing. The smile had yet to be invented! Those were the days!
The A side of this single is a tribute to this copy centre. The flip is a tribute to family values and rectal problematics � or a combination of both. Limited to 150 copies."
UE191 DAN MELCHIOR: "Happiness is Overrated" LP
"Originally from the land of throwing sausages, eggs, beans AND tomatoes on one plate for BREAKFAST, though residing in the land of the freaks, Dan Melchior travelled many roads, between wreckless R&R bands or duo's with Wild Billy Childish, to solo collages on Chocolate Monk or Kye records, to the beautiful collaborative works he created with Letha Diane Rodman Melchior, Dan's partner who sadly passed away in November 2014, and who this record is dedicated to.
Knowing this makes it uneasy to write something about these incredible recordings, whether happiness is over rated or overrated, on a personal note: these beautiful recordings sink as deep as some of Robert Wyatt's recordings do, possessed by a natural melancholia, the horror of saying goodbye translated in a incredible psychedelic sea of field recordings, guitar, synth and recordings of Letha Diane Rodman Melchior's voice.
limited to 200 hand numbered and stamped copies, comes in a full color pro sleeve and with a insert and a sticker!"
UE190 DENNIS TYFUS: "Verleden Tijdsbesteding" Book
"A 320 pages book of Collages by DT in 320 different colors!
These collages are all made with photos taken with analog photo cameras of different kinds, with the exception of 2 or 3 collages, this book is basically a selection of daily work, in a way published to get on with other stuff. It marks a specific period but also was used in a way to deal with changes and to document happenings at UE events, Stadslimiet and exhibitions (or the periods before, after or in between these facts). A visual report of recent times (2008-2014) made as an end result for the Toekomstmuziek residency at Het Bos and a little bit at Stadslimiet in Antwerp / Belgium.
limited to way too many copies"
"No Wave dandy's that prefer playing with their fluits over wetting their brushes in their painting studio's! First recordings made in preparation for their semi first gig at UE's Toekomstmuziek Festival (starting 01/11/2014!), they had one other show where they just repeatly played a cover version of "Op de baan", by the great Dutch 70's gay militant punk band "Tedje En De Flikkers"."
"It has often been said, and we gladly repeat it again, here at the UE office tower, "Folks drive faster without a drivers license", and that's not a lie, it might be because the popo's are right behind you! Boy or Girl, can those assholes make a real human nervous! Once one enters Avantgardegasse, somewhere In Germany (a country known for its brutality on the road) rules and laws concerning your ride all flush down the toilet like a recycled napkin! No popo's on Avantgardegasse! Forget about the lights of the road, and expect to be surprised or boohoo'd, houses might melt on the side, the lines that divide the lanes might become bigger or smaller, or not present at all, and once you think you get it, it can only get more confusing.
Besides many glasses of special liquids, the Swedish sound artist BJ Nilsen and Icelandic confusor Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson have shared a lot of time on stage and on record, in earlier different combinations such as BJ Nilsen & Stilluppsteypa, Evil Madness and so on.
This is, strangely, their first duo collab record, an alien workshop of collage class, shaved by Avant Garde tactics previously unknown to human beings! Trainings organised by secret forces between silence and the soft sound of French speech, or something similar.
limited to 200 hand numbered copies, comes in a duo tone pro sleeve and with a insert and a sticker!"
UE186 VOM GRILL: "Opgenomen Verantwoordelijkheden" LP
"This album is the result of 10 years of preserved sounds, vocal blubber, field recordings and printed leftovers.
These elements are collaged together into a travelogue of sorts, departing from Vom Grill's (or Dennis Tyfus') bedroom towards the bar across the street � a short journey indeed! � where a destroyed piano is pushed by Jos Steen onto Bert Pels and DT, who crawl out from underneath clad only in kids' accordions.
�I'm going over to the over side� -- where Gregg Bishop awaits you in a dried-out whiskey barrel, and Flor Hermans drones above on the violin, breaking into �Jan Broeder' � a classic he used to play with Wannes Van De Velde in former times. Then, in a few unsupervised moments, a toothpaste-and-guitar duo with Bill Nace of Body/Head takes over, until someone who is not quite the fat lady starts to sing...
Limited to 220 numbered copies with 11 various-sized inserts."
"In the recent past we have decently abused "songs" such as "La Bamba", "Popcorn" and "Fever" by inviting some of the most lawless folks on this planet to do whatever they want with "it", which resulted in nightmares all around, and maybe some of the worst records ever made!
The idea of this lp is pretty much the same as the above mentioned results of faillure: in this case the 'orginally written by Stan Jones' cowboy knakker gets grilled, turned over, slapped around and puked on by Sjors Bral, Blodfet & DJ Lonely, Rem�rk, Alessandro Bosetti, Tone Zones, Marty Ribbons, Montana Big Boys (Joshua Burkett and Arkim Foam), Snorri Asmundsson, BJ Nilsen & Stilluppsteypa, Dan Melchior & Letha Rodman Melchior, Michael Van Den Abeele, The After Lucy Experiment, Mittland Och Leo and Ogon Batto in conjunction with a Ghostriders in the sky "party" at Het Bos in Antwerp/Belgium (28/11/2014), where about 30 or more bands, visual artists and folks that ended up at the wrong time in the wrong place, will play a live version of this song.
This lp comes with liner notes by Carlo Steegen. limited to 200 copies."
"During an early DSR Lines show in 1998, at a group exhibition where snot artists were elbowing themselves a way to the tip of the Cathedral, hoping to catch some sun, or a glimpse of the painter they would all like to be, David Edren aka DSR Lines dragged along about 8 tv's he attached to various analog synthesizers, feedbacking up the psychedelic ambient boiling out of the speakers, smoking out the negative stench of rotting careerism, whether they dabbled their paws in oil or leftovers didn't matter in those days. DSR Lines has since been a presence in Antwerp i always enjoyed, whether in the background organising shows at the now defunct Scheldapen space in Antwerp, during his Radioshows at Radio Centraal, as a graphic designer and webmaster, as head of the Hare Akedod label or in various other constellations, it is good to see he is finally pushing that stuff to the background and cooking his great Kosmische psychedelic synth jams as DSR Lines as a main course!! This is DSR Lines' first lp, eyes wide open behind the wheel one might wanna catch some drips of this in the eye balls of fire, drip slowly, and for a full experience do whatever you please! For those who need some name drops instead, cancel out the vocals on early Battiato records, travel to Germany after Harmonia left a mess or choke Klaus Schulze forcing him to play from his fucking heart!
limited to 200 hand numbered copies, comes in a duo tone pro sleeve and with a insert and a sticker!"
UE181 CASSIS CORNUTA: Krampen voor beginners LP
"About the only "band" or solo act (or whatever it is) that we would get on our knees for, begging for more pain de sucre or any other aural syrup! Daniel De Wereldvermaarde Botanicus aka Cassis Cornuta has been pouring a thick goo of harsh electronics, acid bleeps, analog synth afval and slap stick acoustics over our heads for over 30 years now, one would get sick of it, though right when you wanna kick him out he brings you a cactus to sit on and a hat to wear when it is raining green piss.
The A side of this record consists of 3 concr�te pieces cleaned up with soap that leaves stains. The B side has one alternative groove if u don't diggy smalls.
Limited and numbered to 100 copies, stamped. Comes in a full color cover with an insert, made of photos of Cassis' archive."
UE179 BILL ORCUTT: Square Cunts / New Remorse 7"
"In a blender, stuck with your hand, while a heavy wooden table leans on your chest, yelling "keep it down and help or at least unplug the blender and take that table away", though in the other room the whole family is dancing to "Square Cunts", the automatic acoustic guitar boomerang on the A side of this single, it took a swing in the kitchen and just flew back into the other room! Flipped around the kitchen dried out when uncle Bill reads his stolen poetry!
limited to 250 numbered copies, comes in a risograph printed collaged cover."
UE177 MATT KREFTING & DENNIS TYFUS: "Another Night on the Town" Book
"Black nail polish, bending down to get in (at any house with a normal door), loving 3 pop singers in order to be able to listen to only experimental love for dinner, sharing a fine glass and a even finer bottle, and oozing a sensitivity to about anything half decent or even straight up "good"! I can not carry him by myself, so in case of fire in combination with fainting, we're funked! In about every other situation i can only talk Krefting high up, not much other option either, we're trying to sell a book here! A first colaborative work, or something like it, in this case i have made drawings after reading Matt's poetry, which all together resulted in 40 pages of melancholic writing and psychedelic drooling. we are working on a collaborative record as well, aiaiai.
This book is risographed by Risiko Press and limited to 100 numbered copies."
UE176 No Choice Tattoos "permanente verassingen"/"permanent surprises"
A quite simple idea: Dennis Tyfus tattoos whatever he wants on your body, and you pay him for that.
Take a look at some NO CHOICE TATTOOS here: ultraeczema.com/nochoice/
UE175 BRUISMELK NY: compilation tape
"A compilation tape made in conjunction with the annual Bruismelk Festival, usually happening in Antwerp, Belgium, though for some reason the 2014 version happened at Trans Pecos in New York, USA on June 20th and 21st of 2014. Most people that played the fest are on this tape: Byron Coley, Idea Fire Company, Samara Lubelski, Good Area, Miaux, Dog Lady Island, XO4, MV Carbon, Id M Theft Able, Grey Skull, Sunburned Hand Of The Man, Tsembla, Chris Corsano, Dan Melchior, Matt Krefting, Vom Grill, Joshua Burkett, Preggy Peggy, Kuupuu and Bromp Treb.
limited to 100 copies, comes in a risograph printed sleeve." |
UE174 DOG LADY ISLAND - VOM GRILL: one sided 7"
"To celebrate the duo East Coast / Midwest USA tour by Dog Lady Island and Vom Grill in June 2014 this panned slap of crunch was smurfed between the soup and the potatoes! On your left side you can hear the ticking sound of a brain gracefully ending it's activity for this trip, on your right side you can hear the reason these things happen.
comes in a hand stamped sleeve, limited to 100 copies." |
Waar was het te doen? GUNTHER! T-SHIRT
"About 3 years late and still not too late at all: a shirt celebrating our past space "Gunther" and our new space "Stadslimiet" in various sizes to celebrate the shapes of your endangered body! IT was happening at Gunther, but right now it IS happening at Stadslimiet, that is when the space is open.
Black shirt, white silkscreen, limited to 30 copies"
UE172 DENNIS TYFUS & VAAST COLSON: Tijdrovende Puzzel
"a puzzle (made with a paper shredder) that consists of tiny pieces of a poster of a duo exhibition by Vaast Colson and Dennis Tyfus titled "Break down the walls"" |
UE171 DENNIS TYFUS & GERARD HERMAN: silkscreened poster UE's Verhackertes Festival
"A1 size poster for Ultra Eczema's Verhackertes Festival, 05/04/2014 at the Monty theatre in Antwerp.
50 posters were silkscreened in 2 colors (+ stamped and numbered), the posters that did not get sold will be overprinted."
UE170 MIAUX: Dive LP
"To those who swam in a lake filled with the bitter tears of Petra Von Kant, drip with salt when Twin Peaks� heroic theme song comes out of a TV or simply burst out in tears whenever a tune sends you back to the darker corners of your childhood, we got bad news: The first full lenght lp by Sarajevo born Belgian Mia Prce (aka Miaux, say "MIO", not the sound cats produce) is stripped from anything that sounds rhythmic, happy or remotely like "hope" and will not stop you from sobbing!
"Sehnsucht" is a german word that one could probably translate, though that never fully holds the feeling it owns in German. (kraut) monsters like Michael Rother, Klaus Schultze and so on, translated it best with melancholic sound fields that formed the soundtrack of Miaux�s upbringing, a open sounding uptightness, sad but (really) true (to herself).
These 6 new pieces are a relief for a lot of body parts: tears finally leave the bags underneath your glasses, drool finally leaves your mouth and that yellow crust runs out of your ears as those two flappers want to enjoy this lp to the fullest.
comes in a pro mat duo color printed sleeve with artwork by DT, with an insert and a ue sticker, limited to 300 copies."
"In the past 10 or so years Ignatz has explored all visible cracks and overlapping layers between (or underneath) folk music, blues, singer- songwriter and psychedelia. It is a pleasure to see him take this beauty to yet another level by unleashing 2 dying dogs to join him as a backing band, pushing his tunes into directions Les Rallizes D�nud�s took a left and forgot their mountain of distortion, to end up in a dessert where Teenage Boys dance their first slow.
De Stervende Honden know their place more then well, sending the anxious listener with endless muffled psych bass and primitive percussion into a kennel where after a few bites dream state replaces sense of direction, any moment on this record seems to be one you�ve experienced already.
comes in a pro mat duo color printed sleeve with artwork by DT, with an insert and a ue sticker, limited to 300 copies."
UE168 DENNIS TYFUS: Karel De Meester telefoneert met het�kabinet van de schepen van cultuur van Antwerpen, Heylen, op 16 juli 2009. one sided 7"
(more info and photos coming soon) |
Gerard Herman was invited by "VTI Brugge" (a school for off set printmaking) to create a artist book the students would have difficulties printing, or it should be "complicated" or something.., He then invited Dennis Tyfus, who was intensely reading the interview series "Die zomer van Tien Om Te Zien" written by Mathias Danneels ofr Primo Magazine.
Together Gerard Herman and Dennis Tyfus disinfected these interviews with their bare hands, leading to a short poems, these poems were then accompanied by photo's by Dennis Tyfus' father Eduard Tyfus, who didn' know and who -during a stormy period in the 70's- was a hobby photographer. His photo's of parks and flowers perfectly fit to the schmoezerie this book is dripping with. This book is full of "graphic surprises", fold open posters, a poster of Joey Ramone with Matthias Danneels and a lot of words that should be used more and better!
Limited to way too many copies, comes in either a red or a blue cover."
UE166 B.P.: Kerstmis 1980 LP
"The strangest lp in the UE Antwerpian archival series so far! Recorded on christmas eve in 1980 by visual artist and general lune Bruneau, who is illegal about everywhere on this planet, and his pals�Tom Van den Broek, Ewald Van Dyck and Jan De Pauw, at the time all creating trouble in the Antwerp scene around the legendary punk/glam basement Cinderella's Ballroom, Caf� Tom Tom (and Radio Centraal), Caf� De Mok and so on! The same puddle Ze Barbies were swimming in!
B.P. was rather ambitious in theory, though besides a cassette recording, a stamp, one radio show on Radio Centraal and a list of members (which comes with this lp!) nothing really happened, B.P. was short for a lot of name combinations, such as "Bedrukt Papier" (translated "Printed Paper"), which should have been a fanzine made by these members (which never happened), nobody seems to remember other names, though the original logo also seemed to be the original logo of the British oil and gas multinational, what a coincidence!
Musically this could be a mix of a background tape of Ghedalia Tazartez, and a Trip Hop band recorded by Heath Moerland from the other room of where the actual band is fucking around with self glued record loops, early scratching, and beer bottles!
limited to only 150 copies, comes in a full color silkscreened fold open cover with archival photo's of all members, a member list and a small UE sticker." |
"A compilation tape filled to the brim with only contemporary Antwerpian (experimental) music!
with tracks by Miaux, Mik Prims, Innercity, Joris Van De Moortel, Ria Pacquee, Gerard Herman, Blaastaal, Crimpers, Beach, Dolphins into the future, Smokers, W. Ravenveer, Steve Van Den Bosch, Possessed Factory, Orphan Fairytale, Cassis Cornuta, Vom Grill, Mittland Och Leo, DSR Lines, Dog Republic, and Rem�rk
limited to 150 copies, comes in a risograph printed sleeve." |
"during a colaborative series of projects with architect team FVWW Architects from Antwerp, FVWW have asked Dennis Tyfus to design a t-shirts for the "Archigoldcup", a annual soccer contest between teams put together by various Architect companies.
While not interested in any form of sports (or physical competition of any kind) Dennis Tyfus saw it as a chance to promote his record label/publishing house Ultra Eczema in different circles and to finally also learn about the pleasure of yelling and singing on the side of a footballfield, filled with people running behind a white ball.
The Club also had to be named UE164, a catalog number of Ultra Eczema, that way the team was/is a release on ultra eczema.
UE164 is open for new challenges, a game where UE164 crumbles the team of Belgian label Kraak is planned when it is very very cold outside." |
"Between the floor cracks of her whispered folk pop music as a solo artist, burning various violin and bass strings in Thurston Moore's Chelsey Light Moving, breakdancing for a Jackie O Motherfucker and playing in 1234 other bands in and around Soho NY, Samara Lubelski melts all other violinists on earth in a small metal bucket, while still hot she wiped their fat on her strings and blurred out 2 stripped, beautifully psychedelic solo violin pieces!
limited to 150 copies, comes in a fold open silkscreened cover with a fold open silkscreened innersleeve and a ue sticker! (there's also a artist edition with a lasered cover design, limited to 23 copies, which are more expensive / one lp per costumer)" |
UE161 Blikken van MSS Prijzen issue 1 (book + 7")
"after a short break after the monthly MSS MEESTERD zine, this is the first issue in a new series of visual and aural travel reports, mostly because the author would forget what happened on these travels otherwise..
this first issue was made in iceland during the last weeks of august (2013), it includes off set printed (rather colorful) drawings of melted alien elfs, bearded village druids, empty landscapes, and a ridiculous cake drawn under the influence of magic mushrooms, it also includes riso printed photo's of trophies, a blow up doll glued to a restaurant owner that serves the better lobster soup, Dieter Roth's piano, Helgi and Gulla's bones, and on top of that in the back cover you will find a 7" single bursting with a recording of locked, groovy, field recordings collaged with a spontanious father singing some kind of national anthem "wishing his country well", on the flip we have a live improv gig with a 5 year old on vocals..
limited to 200 copies."
UE160 DENNIS TYFUS & JEF CUYPERS: Ovenschotels (book)
"both DT and JC have been sending eachother garbage and leftovers since a few years, sometimes almost nothing, probably out of pity, often to make eachother smile or as an act of friendship. Sharing the last spoon of cold soup on a cold winter night, when the heater does not want to be touched.
these 36 pages are filth, with found imagery or buggles that the cleaning lady forgot to sniff out, images that have been dominating our seperate rooms for years and that remain unnoticed because of the daily confrontation, time to clean up. the insides are green, riso melted on toxic yellow paper, the side is glued, so nothing can escape, and the cover is soft and blue, just like both of the "authors"..
limited to 100 copies."
UE159 DENNIS TYFUS: Ultra Lion 3x LP
"one red lp with only reggae bass line locked grooves, one yellow lp with only reggae vocal locked grooves and one green record with only reggae guitar locked grooves on it, played together it sounds like a reggae band that knows how to play but just can�t get it right..
These 3 lp�s were part of the Ultra Lion exhibition at Kunstschlager in Reykjavik in Iceland (24/8 - 07/09/2013). limited to 1 copy." |
UE158 DENNIS TYFUS: 6 Buerke glasses
"an edition of 6 "Buerke" beer glasses presented in a silkscreened box!
these glasses were made as a "artwork" for the "duo" exhibition by Karl Phillips and Dennis tyfus, called "Truck Stop" at Het Paviljoen in Ghent (30/09 - 03/11/2013), for this exhibition the work was used to drink from during the opening (where over 90 glasses were stolen..), and presented as a edition on the closing night.
limited to 50 copies." |
"a duo colored sweatshop free duo shirt by the italo work horse Canedicoda and the lazy belgian hayfever factory
Dennis Tyfus, this shirt was made in conjunction with some reggae show somewhere in the middle of nothing in italy in june of 2013
20 copies were made." |
UE156 MATT KREFTING: Lipstick 7"
"This valley-chameleon changed colours more than David Bowie dyed his hair, which takes a lot of skin, brains and guts in an area that should have been called Noisehampton, a hay fevered pit surrounded by mountains that stare at champions such as Body/Head, Fat Worm Of Error, Thurston Moore, Breaking World, Joshua Burkett and so on, all playing in premier leak!
Krefting was a member of the glammed Velvet rock band The Believers, of the much loved drone band Son Of Earth with Aaron Rosenblum and John Shaw, he writes poetry and reviews, made a singer songwriter album for Ecstatic Peace and on top of the pie he carries cherries with Idea Fire Company! His recent solo record on Bill Nace's Open Mouth records blew my brains out, when I gathered them together again it was more than time to release this crude 7" of tape damage. Much like his work with IFCO, this single is possessed with "Beauty", some sort of weird vague melancholia, a heroism known to those who can't hide their tears when hearing a repetitive key on a detuned piano. Why does the piano need to be detuned? Does that sound "cooler"? It sounds like a lot of other records should sound, but they don't, as most people don't muffle their broken recorder in between two pillows while playing in a room on the other side of the road. Why does the recorder have to be broken?
This 7" comes in a blue risograph printed collage by DT, Printed at Risiko Press and is limited to 150 copies." |
"a 2 colour (1 on the front, 1 on the back) silkscreened black t shirt made with colab drawings by DT and CI, made while eating mountains of italian delicacies, right before soundcheck at microbirrificio la cruda in Milan, Italy on may 5, 2013.
limited to 25 copies, made with shirts designed by canedicoda, no sweatshop bullshit." |
"a 4 colour (3 on the front, 1 on the back) silkscreened blue t shirt made with colab drawings by DT and CI, made while working on a big mural painting at the Instituto Svizzero in Milan, Italy, on may 3, 2013.
limited to 30 copies, made with shirts designed by canedicoda, no sweatshop bullshit." |
UE153 MSS MEESTERD issue 12 (march-april 2013) zine
"the 12th issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general, this issue contains portraits made with selfportraits by Ralf Wehowsky, Jeff Hartford, Natalie Wynants, Wilfried Huet, Daniel Renders, Jo Bryssinck, Rudi Renson, Angela Sawyer, Tetsunori Tawaraya, Felix Kubin, Menno Meewis, Stella Lohaus, Lilianne Dewachter, Janus Prutpuss, Steven Tuffin, Charline Tyberghein, Bert Lezy, Allon Kaye, Clodach Kinsella,�Nel Aerts, Vaast Colson, Lauren Naylor, Marcel De Cleer, philippe Golbert, Ria Pacqu�e, Hannelore Mattheus, Chris Straetling, Mima Schwahn, Miguel Angel,�Leif Elggren, John Wiese, Steve Underwood, Ulrike Lindmayr, Saori Kuno, Frieda Kuterna, Joke Lanz, Steingrimur Eytj�rd, Milan Warmoeskerken, Joke Leonare, Gino Coomans, Erkki Sinnem�ki, Jan Van Den Dobbelsteen, Andy Ortmann, Anna Dubina, Andreas Diefenbach, Jan Matth�, Gerard Herman, Stefan Serneels, Hanna Putz, Silvia Kastel, Nini Morgia, Christophe Piette, Stephane Schraenen, Sine Van Menxel, Catherine Plenevaux, Kris Vanderstraeten, Medhi Hercberg, El-G, Jolien Vermeulen, Dale Cornish, Tommi Mitsuri, Leo Coomans, Rodger Stella, Luc Sponselee, Masami Kawagushi, Ines Eshun, Jessie Schietecatte, Kommissar hjuler und mama baer, Vincent Stroep, Gian Luca Ranzi, Kati Heck, Rinus Van De Velde, Wataru Kasahara, Lieven Segers, Liesbet Swings, Tina Schott, Joshua Plotkin, Frieder Butzmann, Jonas Delaborde, Valeria Farina,�
Peter Fengler, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Johanna Kristbj�rg Sigur�ardottir,�Sigur�ur Ott� Sigtryggsson�, Luca Garino, Chris Cooper, Jess Goddard, Francesco Cavaliere, Kelsey Cruz Martin, David Sherry, Elaine Kahn, Hendrik Hegray, Juliette Vanhoof, Luther Vanhoof, Peter Vanhoof, Antonio Marques, Wim Van Mulders, Am Dumitran, MV Carbon, Jennifer Keinzler, Vincent Royers and Mia Prce
all glued together by Dennis Tyfus
lay out by Jef Nijs
limited to 200 copies + artist proofs, full colour off set printed at de Wrikker" |
UE152 MSS MEESTERD issue 11 (februari 2013) zine
"the 11nd issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general, this issue was published in conjunction with the group exhibition "I want your name and my name on a flyer" by Sygtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Vaast Colson, Peter Fengler, Kim Gordon, Dennis Tyfus and Joris van de Moortel at Tatjana Pieters gallery in Ghent, Belgium (24.2 - 07.04.2013) though it would have been published otherwise as well.
this issue contains 20 photo collages DT creates on a daily basis, the collages in this issue were not on show in the exhibition.
limited to 150 copies, mono colour off set printed at de Wrikker"
UE151 MSS MEESTERD issue 10 (januari 2013) zine
"the tenth issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general!
MSS MEESTERD�issue 10 was made in Vienna and on the Rigi mountain in Swiss during the end of last year, it collects mostly landscape drawings i've made in the mountains, or at least on top of one mountain, covered in snow and in snot.
it possesses a rather frozen feel over all, printed mostly in deep blue on jan matth�'s risograph machine!
20 pages, limited to 120 copies" |
UE150 Dennis Tiefhuys leest voor uit "Snoepert" van Ruud Beemsters (of was het omgekeerd?) 7" + book
"Warning: BOTH AUDIO AND WRITTEN TEXT IS IN FLEMISH and most probably not understandable for most people that live on planet earth!!
if u do understand this confusing waste of vinyl and paper you will find poems (both written and audio) about a garage, a bra, a beach, a dad, a musical interferance, a mild irritation, a caesarsalad, and a duck..
this record and book was made in conjunction with the annual Bruismelk Festival at Scheldapen in Antwerp which happened on 26/07/2013 and was limited to 200 copies." |
UE149 Voor slechts seuventig % afspeelbaar
box set of 10 self sliced records.
"The first physical result (and co-release) in a series of colaborative works with Dutch (performance) artist Peter Fengler, a wooden box with a plastic window in it, a peep show of color and sound, although there's 10 different records in this box, every record looks different, all are hand cut, and made in the heath of the moment.
limited to 10 copies." |
UE148 VAAST COLSON: Tekstwerk Voor Hoboken 7"
"Art-Fort / Fort-Art" is an annual art happening around the old Forts that surround Antwerp (in it's subburbs Wommelgem, Mortsel, Edegem and Hoboken).
For the 2012 edition, the Antwerp based chouchou, Vaast Colson aka "Justice Just", created a text piece, milled out of an old canoe boat, saying "Ginds weet men raad" ("Yonder one knows ways and means") and a finger pointing in the direction of hope. This canoe was laying on the side of the pond around Fort 8 in Hoboken.
A group of fishermen who considers that pond "theirs", were unhappy with the canoe laying in their way, and a bunch of complaints followed, therefore a small note with a phone number on it was added to the piece, so people could ring up if the canoe was in their way. The people that called the number ended up with the voicemail message you can hear on this record. limited to 15 copies, handcut by Peter Fengler, the b side is a peel of silkscreened photo of the artist, the sleeve is rather minimal and silkscreened by Gerry Herman."
UE147 (co release with ultra hobby complex) STRIJDLIEDEREN 1-36
"all original straight to lathe recorded battle sounds made during a colab weekend in rotterdam with peter fengler and dennis tyfus.
every lathe has a different recording, and all look slightly different as well, as they are cut into a 3D movie poster, which was then sliced appart afterwards..
limited to 36 copies"
"It is hard to top Orphan Fairytale's "comets come alive" lp on blackest rainbow, which i consider one of her best works to date and most probably the best record of 2012,
therms such as "bummed out", "sad", "melancholic", and "psychedelic" are thrown in a baby blender that gave birth to this depressing lollypop!
So, stuff competition in the closet again, this new Orphan Fairytale single is happier than you and me! recent times OF's live shows have been more and more rhythmic,
exotic and even danceable at times. the melancholic mayonaise that is always on top of anything eva creates is leaking on her bongo's, the voices that spin out of Princess Fairytale's brainpudding only seem to be hearable
on vinyl, not when she's shying out in the dark corners of the last pink house in Antwerp!
for those who want to see who's who now, or wanne compare lenght before getting into the shower after your footballmatch, this recording reminds me of early instrumental Moondog, slow Muslimgauze without the political bazart,
and Zero Kama when he replaced his real human skulls and bones collection with some toy skulls.
this 7" is limited to 200 copies and comes in a triple neon orange fold open sleeve filled with drawings by DT." |
UE144 RODGER STELLA: Resin Drones LP
"A grin, a comb over and a staring contest into a toilet that refuses to flush, and most importantly a jolly good -but rather slowed down- time!
Rodger Stella, a known downer from the upper shelf of Macronympha, where rusted metals lay next to a box of Methadone and a big jar of green water, where "Dolophine", Rodger's stinky dolphin, is trying hard to find his way out and where i wouldn't have expected an acoustic guitar. Most recordings on this lp are indeed made with a piece of wood with six strings on it, in more popular cultures known as the acoustic guitar, other parts are created with a leaking short wave radio. It makes for a high, downer blues syndrome, reversed and played back within that second you are stuck in while everyone else stands still.
limited to 200 copies, comes in silkscreened collage cover of a picture of Mr Meow Town (Rodger's cat), and a off set printed insert."
UE143 JOSHUA BURKETT: Footnote(s) LP
"originally published as a cdr�in 2005, limited to hardly any copies on Feater one's Nest, in the period Joshua Burkett visited Europe for the first time, it was about time these beautiful recordings saw some day light again on wax! I've met various people on other planets that i could compare to friends closer to home, Bill Nace calls himself a "fat Vaast Colson", Vladimier looks like Phillip Quehenberger, Tarp's Conrad Capistran's laughter sounds simular to W Ravenveers grinning and so on.. It sounds lame, though there is only one Joshua Burkett! no one looks away when they get a candy, Burkett does, but ate it before you've noticed there was a big brown chocobar in front of us!
There's a rare melancholia to everything J Burkett does, pressed behind a shell of shy music-encyclopedic psychedelia, the only way i like folk(s).
Footnote(s) is recorded live between 1996 and 2005 around the area where Burkett lives: Western Mass in the USA, as u might know already, a pool of experimental musicsnot with bears such as Fat Worm Of Error, Matt Krefting and Body/Head biting trees to pulp!
this record comes in a fold open full colour off set printed sleeve with photo's of Burkett hiding behind a giant afro mowhawk and is limited to only 200 copies!" |
UE141 PAUL DE VREE : HIPPOCOSMOS, Onuitgegeven Opnames 1967 - 1979 LP
"a monster in the ultra eczema archival series, we have been wanting to put this out since some years now and are really proud of this great document!
Paul De Vree was a very active man, a visual artist, a publisher of various books, editor of the international visual poetry revue "de tafelronde", and a intense international communicator with other artists and poets such as Sarenco from Italy, Henri Chopin from France, etc.
this lp was released at the Symposium about Paul de Vree (1909-1982) under the title: 'PAUL DE VREE: POSITIES TUSSEN PO�ZIE, PLASTISCHE KUNST & PERFORMANCE.' at the 'Letterenhuis' in Antwerp, Belgium on the 10th of November 2012.
the record collects unheard private home recordings of Paul De vree's poems, some of his recorded work was read by others such as actor Julien Schoenaerts on some Revue OU records and other (sound) poetry publications, the recordings on this record are done at home by himself and have a very intimate quality. this record also includes a unpublished sound poem called "Hippocosmos" recorded in sweden in 1971,( included as well is the score for this piece as a triple fold out poster), and a conversation in (broken) english with the great public poet and visual artist Alain Arias-Misson discussing their work, dating back to 1967!
this record comes in a fold open silkscreened cover made with unpublished photos from the artist's archive.
limited to 250 copies" |
"Stadslimiet is a tiny artist space in the centre of Antwerp (Ernest van Dijckkaai 4) ran by Vaast Colson and Dennis Tyfus.
The space is mainly used to present books, work, drinks, live shows and performances.
This space is Ultra Eczema 140, and Clean Press 22, all events are hidden behind a comma." |
UE138 DENNIS TYFUS: Sugar Mima 7"
"limited to only one copy, this single was made to celebrate the 26th Birthday of the Austrian artist Mima Schwahn.
the audio is a slightly slowed down version of Linsey De Paul's "Sugar me", never ending in a loop that spells "Sugar Mima".
the sleeve is a portrait drawing of the lady this single is dedicated to." |
UE139 MSS Meesterd issue 9 (December 2012) zine
"the 9th issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
there's no reason to look so surprised, really there isn't! and yet, the december issue of MSS MEESTERD is filled with found images of lady's that seem so surprised it can't be good for their own health.
it might be because of the presence of the bald schobbejak on the cover. the back cover is a dedication to Ulrike Lindmayr, to thank her for opening her living room to 6 weeks of weekly shows at lls 387 during the Forward in time exhibtion.
cover full colour off set printed at de wrikker, inner parts risograph printed by Jah Matth�
limited to 130 copies." |
UE137 MSS Meesterd SK8 (November 2012) zine
"the 8th issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
while cleaning up my archive for the exhibtion "forward in time (15 jaar ultra eczema)" at lls 387 in antwerp, i found back a mountain of drawings my parents kept from when i was 9 years old.
i completely forgot about these, obsessed by skateboarding i aparantly didn't draw anything else but skateboard gear, ramps, tricks and a lot of punk looking dudes..
also the commercials of skateboard brands such as "Vision" and �"Powell Peralta", etc and skaters such as Tony Hawk and Lance Mountain, who i call "Lace Monita" in this zine, �were burning my mind..
limited to 120 copies, duo coloured stencil printed by Jan Matth�." |
UE137 MSS Meesterd issue 7 (October 2012) zine
"the seventh issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
this MSS was mostly made during a short trip to dui otok and zadar in croatia where decent home made wine and a daily dip in the sea produced a rather happy and colourful issue,
�it's also made in conjunction with the "rond de put" exhibition, currated by Johan Pas, Christine Clinckx and Kris Van Dessel in Ekeren, a village near the turd where i grew up. therefor i also published flyers for punkshows inEkeren that Nico Dockx made around 1992 and which were the earliest visual memories i have with "punk"..
full colour cover, and duo tone inner work all riso printed at afreux in antwerp!
limited to 200 copies." |
UE135 MSS Meesterd issue 6 (September 2012) zine
"the sixth issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
Every visit to antwerp by the icelandic showmaster Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson in the last few years has been spiced by up and down outbursts of colaborative drawing sessions.
This issue of mss meesterd collects over 200 colab drawings by dennis tyfus and sigtryggur Berg sigmarsson, which were done in 2 days! this issue is way thicker than the other issues of mss meesterd, it's printed on newspaper paper and is glued together for extra pleasure! it was made in conjunction with the yearly BRUISMELK festival at scheldapen, which is happening on 15/09/2012.
lay out by chef cuypers, "limited" to 1000 copies.."
UE134 BERND LOHAUS: El nacimiento del huevo LP
"Bernd Lohaus (1940 in D�sseldorf; � 5. November 2010 in Antwerpen) was a German artist (living in Antwerp/Belgium) mainly known for his sculptures, usually made of heavy found wood which he minimally changed (by carving in one word poems for example). He was a student of Joseph Beuys and together with Hugo Heyrman, Panamarenko and Wout Vercammen one of the first "Happeners" during the 1960's in Belgium, organising street performances in the centre of Antwerp. They published "Happening news" and together with Anny De Decker, Bernd Lohaus started one of the first Belgian avant garde galleries "Wide White Space", where they showed work by James Lee Byars, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers and other knallers!
This one-sided record carries a recording of an early performance by Bernd Lohaus, recorded during a happening in his exhibition "El nacimiento del huevo" at "Sala de exposiciones de la asociacion cultural iberoamericana de Madrid" between 30/01/1965 and 04/02/1965. Absurd poetry meets Spanish lessons, meets dead silence meets sound poetry meets surrealism.
While in Spain in this period Bernd rang the doorbell of Salvator Dali, this visit must have had a big inpact on him. The photo's of a young Bernd that come with this lp will show you why.
Comes in a fold open silkscreened cover with photos from the Bernd Lohaus stichting, + comes with a extra risographed insert. Limited to 200 copies, and made in conjunction with the beautiful exhibition of Bernd Lohaus at Mac's in Grand-Hornu (23/06/2013 till 06/10/2013)." |
UE133 ZE BARBIES: Live at Cecil 02/01/1981 + disco LP
"another lp in the ue archival series, ze barbies didnt release anything during their very short excistance,
�they only played for about 6 months in 1981. the band was formed in and around legendary punk bars/basements in Antwerp/Belgium such as Cinderella's ballroom, De Clown's etc. in a time where punx played tom and jerry with the local police almost non stop!
�While most bands from around here played straight forward punk, Ze Barbies played in a sloppier non music/no wave style, mainly thanx to the wasp synth blasts that interrupt the double delayed female vocals, most probably influenced by their friends " DE BRASSERS" from hamont! �The (unfindable) drummer for Ze Barbies also played in NOISE BOYS 906 and Marleen (one of the singers) was very active at the time with her fanzine "de ontgoochelde frigo",and as a dj at radio centraal and at cinderella's ballroom, Antwerp's most legendary glam/punk/transvestite heaven. i'm way too young for all this crap and you are probably too!
�this lp comes in a full colour silkscreened sleeve full of insane photos from the members' archive + an insert! it's limited to 200 copies." |
UE132 CRIMPERS: poetry for the normal - mad 7"
"a 7" build for that time of the month, filled to the kreuk with raging glam "grunge", racing by like a no wave snail!
this threesome with ex top model Kim Peers stretches a pregnancy longer than elephants do, the primates circle around for a-rhythmic styles, broken english and hero�c guitar glue!
primitive drum set up, blinding strobe lights, tall female coldness and kapotte punkriffs, happy to see a full band again in antwerp, instead of solo madness behind a table full of noise pedals.
limited to 150 copies, comes in a photocopied on glossyness cover of all abused photo's from Kim Peers' modelling carreer." |
UE131 NINOS DU BRASIL: tuppelo 7"
"this is the sound that brings out the best in melted brainiacs that start producing oer klanken when seeing a white ball with black dots on it on a grass field while carnavalists run after it in between two "goals", troeps that follow one colour for the rest of their days, primates that repeat what the rest of the stadion is yelling! brazil techno, football (power) elctronics, echoes from another scene.. far away from the daily routines of what these italian maestros usually do with their coda lunga's.
limited to 100 copies. artwork by dennis tyfus, riso printed by jan matth�."
UE130 CASSIS CORNUTA: 27 Jaar De Gebraden Zwaan Zingt Loop Cassette
"in yearly fashion, ultra eczema publishes at least one or more releases by daniel de wereld vermaarde botanicus, aka cassis cornuta. this horizontal dancer attacked us over and over with acid, and lurid klankterreur, and still everyone keeps begging for more, blame it on the blinding silver pants, the giant purple hat, or the cacti, attached to the few pieces of clothing cassis is wearing..
for the 27th of birthday of his weekly noise/sound radio show "de gebraden zwaan zingt", daniel played a evening long loop tape set, producing this release on the spot. we all can't remember how many tapes were made, but guess around 35.."
UE129 MSS Meesterd issue 5 (August 2012) zine
"the fifth issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
This issue was made in vienna in the beginning of august, made in between, after, and before swimming, train rides, visits to exhibtions by Burroughs, daniel spoerri, breathing in fresh air, garlic soup, wine etc..
i like vienna, not only for all above mentioned, also because there's a bunch of old skool photo boot machines there.. where half of this book was made. limited to 150 copies, riso printed by jan matth�." |
UE128 MSS Meesterd issue 4 (July 2012) zine
"the fourth issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
This fourth issue collects 20 pages, a bunch of mat inverted purple music paper and a bunch of raw green glossy messyness! the golden cover portraits are made by Mima Schwahn and the inside cover is tripple stamped and hand numbered!
lay out by jef cuypers, offset printed and limited to 200 copies" |
UE127 MSS Meesterd issue 3 (June 2012) zine
"the third issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
this third issue collects 20 full colour silkscreens of photographs and photo collages, of recent and/or good times, some may recognize the likes of Vincent Snoop, Spencer Clark, Tazartez Ghedalia, Vaast Colson, Guy Rombouts, Jah Matth�, Chris Corsano, Hendrik Hegray, LVMM or Peter Fengler within this blurryness.
this issue was silkscreened by Gerard Herman, lay out by Jef Cuypers, limited and numbered to 150 copies." |
UE126 MSS Meesterd issue 2 (May 2012) zine
"the second issue in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
This second issue collects 22 reversed kind of abstract (but not realy) colaborative drawings by John Olson, Nate Young and Dennis tyfus.
Made during a short Stare Case / Vom Grill tour to kill the time between the soundcheck and the actual shows. Riso printed less dirty than issue one though still not clean enough to put next to the white album of the beatles. limited to 100 copies" |
UE125 MSS Meesterd issue 1 (April 2012) zine
"the first in a series of monthly magazines collecting activities and changes in general.
This first issue is a collection of 20 new abstract reversed drawings by Dennis Tyfus, riso printed by f�r dich's own Jah matth�. the printing here is so dirty it will damage most of the books you put it near.
limited to 150 copies" |
"Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and XO4 and VAMPIRE BELT's Bill Nace team up for the third time (they also released a cassette and did a FEVER cover) showing no band needs a drummer to trash or mildly shake brains!
basement jams after listening to basement jams, deep down in the deepest basement of the valley, 2 guitars fighting for a place on a chubby cassette recorder while the ultra no wave vocals of Kim Gordon ghostride thru a pretty packed parking lot.
a throw back as well to early raw Sonic Youth days, where feedbags were the only luggage you needed for a night out!
comes in a thick full colour hand stencilled cover collage by DT, printed on thick drawing paper. limited to 400 copies"
UE124 ANNY DE DECKER & STELLA LOHAUS (opgejaagd door Dennis Tyfus) VLAAMSE BLOKFLUITEN Nos. 1&2 5"
"This 5" (limited to only 20 copies) was a part of the exhibition "ik verhuis naar hand (brult)" by Dennis Tyfus, at Tatjana Pieters gallery in ghent (15-01-2012 - 26-02-2012).
Stella Lohaus (who worked with DT as a gallerist for 8 years) and her mother Anny De Decker (who started the Wide White Space, the first avant garde gallery in belgium with her partner, artist Bernd Lohaus in 1966) started playing flute together after Bernd Lohaus died in 2010.
The flute is one of the easiest instruments to start with and therefore part of the music education in Belgian high schools. However, to get to the level of playing more complex pieces, it takes practice. "Vlaamse Blokfluiten" (Flemish
flutes), a video installation of 10 parts, shows Anny & Stella playing the sonata of H�ndel. The videos are in loop and capture the protagonists from several angles against a background of old-fashioned wallpaper. The loops are presented on several TV-screens spread out over the exhibition space. The cacophony of music that stems from them creates a quirky and hypnotizing atmosphere. the 2 pieces on this limited 5" record collect two different versions that weren't used in this video instalation."
UE122 "KOEK KOEK" Magazine
"while, during and after showing the video installation "Gargles from Ipanema" during the exhibition "Contour 2011" at Nekkerspoel Station in Mechelen, Belgium, a ton of hate-mail, lettres of complain and negative fleshbook-, twitter- and blog comments arrose from the smelly armpit of Belgium, people have spit on the TV screens and even cut the electricity out. therefore NMBS decided to remove the installation 3 days before the groupexhibtion closed down.
the installation showed an older woman dancing to a version of Girl from Ipanema made by Vom Grill and Rem�rk, this magazine collects the "best" comments and lettres, beware, it is written in Dutch!!
limited to 200 copies" |
UE121 Gunther's getrankekarte 31/12/2011 (co released with clean press 18)
"This card was produced to buy drinks at Gunther, with one card you could buy 6 drinks..
accidental double numbering with the Rei Hayama lp." |
UE121 REI HAYAMA: A child goes burying dead insects (one sided) LP
"a rarity, while not being in higher atmospheres of any kind, the film "kodomo ga Mushi no shigai wo umeni iku" aka "A child goes burying dead insects"�forced up a third sleep state, third dream state and third reality check.., wishing the colours were really the colours one would see everywhere, instead of the discusting digital prints or pixelated madness that get shoved up our body holes! it makes me wonder if i am really here right now or if i had seen the film before 2009 which is not possible as it was made in that glorious year..
this soundtrack of japanese film maker Rei Hayama, her main concern on film is about the relations between wildlife and present humanity, she is a co founder and organizer of (+), a experimental screening project in japan. this soundtrack is driven by a beautiful japanese folk loop, blown over by a HNAS type of sound collage, primitive in it's set up, and sliced open by Rei's own angel type of vocals, like a creepy lullaby.
comes in a stencil printed cover with images from the film, and a extra insert that doesn't have anything to do with it at all! limited to 200 copies." |
"2 GERMS cover songs by an Italian dracula and a American whore (a male whore)!!
floor fillers in times where everyone seems to miss Cinderella's ballroom and tom tom, two places i unfortunatly never visited as i was still a foetus in those days!
time has shopped and screwed us all, mainly with electronic scissors or thru older sisters with razor blades around their necks and safety pins in their cheekbones.
don't go to pogo school, learn it on the streets!
limited to only 150 copies!"
"since the beginning of the 80's Sandy Nys has been involved in a million of industrial, ritual ambient, noise, wave etc solo or group projects, his main thing since some decades remains HYBRYDS, though he is one of the Belgian hometaping pioneers, alongside ClubMoral and Alain Neffe of "Insane Music".
long before Hybryds, Sandy was, like every decent human being, fucking around at home with tape loops, tandy microphones, acoustics and metals, korg ms 10 synth and korg sequencers, a ton of marantz and sanyo cassette decks! which resulted in a bunch of amazing obscure cassette releases! This lp collects 2 selections from 2 Magisch Theater cassettes from 1983, the A side is a selection from a untitled cassette and the flip has a soundtrack made for a painting exhibtion by Peter Braet.
the cover photo was taken by Eric Didden for a fanzine called MAD IN BELGIUM and the back photo was taken for a news paper article on hometaping, all from Sandy's archive. this record comes with 2 inserts of the original cassette sleeves, a magazine, and is limited to 250 copies only!"
"although active in improvised music, sound art and mainly in re-building and modifying his self build drum set since the 70's, this is Kris Vanderstraeten's first full solo lp!
the bearded master of subtile madness tickles his set with anything he finds on his journey: cars, parts of a tree, shaking electronic devices, he even steals the toys of his own children to create a perfect roll!
although most solo percussion records are filled to the brim with sauce, this one is percisely sliced charcuterie, no muffled sounds, all is in the open, no hidden secrets, u are in the middle of the box santa claus wanted to drop right before u robbed him.
Timo Van Luijck, aka the great AF URSIN, with whom Kris plays with as a duo from time to time, recorded this masterpiece, the thick grey card board sleeve and fold open poster insert were drawn by Dennis Tyfus and silkscreened by the man with two first names Gerard Herman! it's limited to only 150 copies, don't let that fruit turn into dry fruit, or worst: CANDY! worst means sausage in dutch."
UE117 REN�E SIMONS: Hoofdregels 5"
"During her master education at the Royal Academy of Antwerp Ren�e Simons did a internship at Ultra Eczema, it consisted of a photoshoot, where Dennis Tyfus took polaroid photos of Ren�e Simons covered in some glossy smurry and a slowed down recording session where Ren�e Simons sang two parts of some song DT never heard of. With this material RS created a sleeve design for a 5" vinyl record, limited to 10 copies, risograph printed at Risiko Press. this release was made in november 2011, and got lost entirely, until DT found it back in March 2014." |
"Buy a box of tissues! It has been a while since Miaux has released anything, as everyone around Antwerp, where she is based, still had tears in their eyes from hearing her last 7" on ue, or her self released cassettes which were hardly playable as they layed in puddles of salty tears for way too long! �
Miaux, the moniker of Mia Prce, was born in 1982 in Sarajevo, where she lived until she was 7 years old, both her parents were painters and visited Antwerp, Belgium with her, where they've ended up in the vibrant art freakscene around Ercola, one of the oldest artist collectives in Antwerp, based at wolstraat in a old hospital in the centre of town, a space where Mia got used to naked hippies rolling on the floor during their happenings, and where she got hooked on her father's cassettes of Embryo, Neu, Brainticket, and Roxy Music, while the family wanted to move back, the war started at home which is why they've stayed in Antwerp forever!
Bored with not understanding any other children her age, Mia started pushing her fingers into a casio she got at age 5, later to be classically trained on piano by a woman with a backwards wig on her head! The music of Miaux remains very melancholic, like if Neu's instruments were stolen on tour and replaced with 1 casio with a red lamp buzzing "LOW BATTERY", it still fits in the only movies i like to watch. all the rest is a waste of your time!
pressed on bright red vinyl, comes in a red stencil printed cover by D tyfus, limited to 200 copies" |
"shaking minimalism from the pits of aural punishment, where realy hardly anyone wants to live!
open up that leather couch, and bring on the whip, cos this is as "song like" as it gets with Vom Grill
a 606 drum machine that sounds like crap and echoes of what once could have been a beautiful voice..
limited to 40 copies and housed a jewl case, comes in a collaged stencil printed sleeve by Dennis Tyfus."
track: "ik ben plezierig gestraft" |
"it took over 4 months to slize this SPACECACTUS tape-piece together, super detailed reel work stereo flipper.., than Cassis heard it and said "i can do the same piece in a half an hour with my MD's"..
so he "covered" this 30 second long piece, which is still, to this day used as Radio Centraal's station call.
this 5" vinyl record is housed in a jewl case and comes with full colour stencil printed artwork. limited and numbered to only 30 copies."
track: "cassis cornuta (cover version)" |
"last year's insane 25 hour long gig for the 25th birthday of radio centraal's noise radioshow "De Gebraden Zwaan Zingt" forced ultra eczema and Cassis Cornuta (the shows host) to dig deeper into this archive.
This lp contains a 13 minute tape/noise/animal slowmotion recording from 1986 on one side, and a new 13 minute long synth piece on the flip! Classic Cornuta blubber, filth with the juice of one of his many cacti, and dried afterwards to still be able to wear the blubber as a hat! This "high quality" transparant bday record is limited and numbered to only 26 copies and housed in a wooden silkscreen!"
track: "vraai (1986)" |
UE106 FEVER compilation LP + 7"
"aiaiai, there we go again, 2 years ago it started and now it seems too late to ever stop it.. where is this gonna end, is of course an interesting question..
after a whole night long LA BAMBA party (which is seriously a bigger aural torture than any noise gig), a lp with only LA BAMBA cover versions, a whole night long POPCORN and a accompanied comp lp, it's about time to abuse Eddie Cooley and John Davenport's FEVER!
on september 3rd 2011 the FEVER night is happening on a boat in oostende, and here's a insane comp lp + 7" with a no waved zoomer by KIM GORDON and BILL NACE's BODY/HEAD project, a german electronics brainticket sinker by RANI BAGERIA AND NACHTBOTE from India/Austria, a playmobile clapper by IRWIN BADMAN from Finland, a very close to the original one by LAUNDRY ROOM SQUELCHERS, a beautiful spaced out lady version by HEATHER LEIGH, a solo 70's stadion racker by KAWAGUCHI MASAMI from Japan, a unrecogniseble jungle bamboo stamper by NINOS DU BRASIL from Italy, a late 80's neue welle dancer by the mysterious SMOKERS, a raw drunken Elvis version by Belgian visual artist (joris) VAN DE MOORTEL, a tripper by ex-Boredom TABATA MITSURU, a smoked out version by the duo of Scott Foust and Frans de Waard aka TOBACONISTS, a Japanese no wave golf by VASTIEURAMEN, a other level trampoline by Mauro Pawlowski and Jef Cuypers' POSSESED FACTORY, a 4 track folk killer by the last us folk king JOSHUA BURKETT, a vocal pearl by PREGGY PEGGY, a evil echo by BRIDGET HAYDEN, a underwater version by gerard herman's MUDDY WAUTERS, a hit single by the international lady performance troupe LVMM, a sinking version by the finnish KUUPUU and a flemish version by Club Moral's own DDV!
comes in a collaged found photo sleeve, with a full colour insert."
limited to only 200 copies."
track: Body/Head
UE105 VOM GRILL & REM�RK: Gargles from Ipanema 10"
"2 excerpts from a 1 hour long (loop) soundtrack for the "Gargles from Ipanema" video / lichtbox instalation by Dennis Tyfus, which will be shown at "Contour 2011, sound and vision: beyond reason (27.08 - 30.10.2011), biennial of moving image, curated by Anthony Kiendl" in Mechelen, Belgium.
These are the second and third versions of this soundtrack, there's the 1 hour long version and a "hit" version which will be released on a compilation lp by Contour.
this 10" is limited to 10 copies (black vinyl) and 3 artist proofs (transparant vinyl) and comes in a stencil printed duo colored sleeve by DT."
UE104 BYRON COLEY AND DENNIS TYFUS: Days of plasma, Nights of drink
"Ice dry poetry by Byron Coley in blue, garbled by Dennis Tyfus in purple.
For years i've thought these poems were already written, as Byron told me about them when i visited the Yod Space in Florence some years back.
I can perfectly remember hearing about Byron selling plasma to be able to get fried, Byron living in a tree because he was kicked out of his shared apartment as he pissed on his roommate's sister, Byron working at Micky d's, Byron meeting Mariel Hemmingway and a mountain of other disrupting tales.
It turned out these poems were not written until the night before the presentation of this book at stadslimiet in antwerp on august 19th of 2013.
this off set printed book, 20 pages, limited to 200 copies is partly printed on glossy and partly on mat paper."
UE103 VOM GRILL: flaming creatures tour cdr
"published the very last second before leaving on a italo tour with BIRDS OF DELAY, FAMILY BATTLE SNAKE and HEATSICK, a insane tour set up by SIMONE OF HUNDEBISS RECORDS in italy!
basically this is a half bootleg of the vom grill cdr on chocolate monk, + a live recording and a short intro. the usual ice cream blubber dipped in mother's milk and papa's zalf: vocals, tapes and thrown out bagger. limited to 69 copies and packed in a left over stencil printed cover DT made over 8 years ago. aiaiai."
UE102 MARCEL VAN MAELE: I hate music!!!!!!!! LP
"i better warn non flemish speaking creeps first: This archival lp of belgian poet and visual artist MvM is a Flemish spoken word lp, so don't expect to understand any of it!
Marcel van Maele was a poet, provocateur, and visual artist residing in Antwerp, Belgium. He was, to say the least, not a very common poet, much like his friend Marcel Broodthaerts, MvM was always seeking for new or different ways to present his poetry resulting in bottling his own poems or stuffin his books in glass pots filled with spirits! The last 20 years of his life (MvM died in 2009) Marcel van Maele was completely blind, which didn't stop him from performing. He used a small dictaphone, a "souffleur", which he referred to as his best friend, to pre-record his poems sentence by sentence, so he could repeat them with headphones for live performances. this one sided lp starts with a live performance like that, dating back to "Nacht van de Po�zie" in Utrecht, Holland, in 1987, on this recording you can feel he carries the whole audience on his middle finger! Besides that, this lp also contains a dialogue poem with his wife Carine Lampens, an excerpt from an audiozine published by the blindenbibliotheek and private diary recordings MvM recorded for his wife when she was on a holiday!
this lp comes in a black and white sleeve with photo's from MvM and Carine Lampens' archive and comes with with a stencil printed insert, the B side contains a silkscreen!
limited to only 200 copies, no reissues!"
"Gust Gils (20/08/1924 - 11/11/2002) was a poet, sound poet, theater maker and visual artist, his work was soaked in music, and he has worked with musicians such as Cel Overbergh etc,
the sound works that interested ultra eczema most where his sound poetry pieces although i dicovered his work through the publication he made with Roland Topor, which was absolutely stunning!
not much of his recorded sound poems were published, there's some "verbosoni�n" on a AH compilation the dutch poet Herman Damen published, and there's one piece on the swedish monster "text-sound compositions: a stockholm festival 1969".
while digging through Gust's archives we only found some tapes with "Verbosoni�n" on it, recorded mainly in the 60's in sweden and at home, and one tape with a sound poem on it called "De stem " (the voice), which is very different from the other pieces, and recorded in 1982. this publication limited to only 15 copies was made for the "Gust Gils in duo" studyday at the university in ghent, beginning of december 2012.
ultra eczema will soon publish a full lp, limited to 200 copies of Gust Gils' verbosoni�n." |
UE99 MITTLAND OCH LEO : myland and lion 7" unpleasant size 06
"the future is neon purple, and sunglasses are a non stop necessity when this buzzing love duo is oozing by! the only married newsteam, younger than lamonte younger (luke younger's son), we're forced to make our upper body's wet, do some push ups and train all our fingers! luckily we got 10 extra toes, we WILL need them to compete with the echoed skills of MITTLAND OCH LEO! exotica is usually more near than you'de expect, maybe even across the road, or at least across the gaza strip! time to spin the summerhit of 2011! the mittland och leo 7" is making me tan as fuck, it stretches my legs and forces me to dance slowly, humping any dogs' leg around the turdfield, though the tones melt, and slowly burn our last braincells..
yiikes been sitting in the sun the entire afternoon rotating this instant classy echo of teenage suicidal meek madness, no vocals, just beautiful burning exotic tones melted on black plastic! their fresh energy has given this label some fire the last few years, which was welcome in a movement of old nerds. together with multi talents such as gerard herman, sine van menxel, wieter dockx and nel aerts these fresh generators are storming the walls that are spraypainted with darkbrown paint! it's time for all other generations to do some work outs or at least start bragging louder!
these 4 sad, melancholic and sort of instrumental suicide tones come in a blue stencil printed sleeve.
limited to 200 copies"
track: "Spining Tires" |
UE98 MIAUX: s/t 7" unpleasant size 05
"warm thick tears force their ways out of droopy eyes, children cover their ears and peppep is rubbing his underbelly with sandpaper.
the general gloom MIAUX spreads on her sandwiches is darker than tatort and could easily replace any soundtrack of a fassbinder movie, the sad joy of a lady from sarajevo pushing her entire hands into a keyboard, don't ask her for a encore or you'll receive a grim reward!
it seems that a new breath of electronic music is blowing over antwerp, all in a sort of kubin/depressed pop/late wave/instrumental suicide kind of style (check mittland och leo, the eye, roman hiele, dsr lines etc), who knows where the hell it came from, orphan fairytale's early antics, cassis and colombo, radio centraal, meeuw muzak? it of course matters as much as what i ate this morning, one banana, which is exceptional, as i usually don't eat fruit.
comes in a orange stencil printed cover design by dennis tearfus, your hands will be orange after holding it, limited to 150 copies. no reissues"
track: "And The Nose" |
UE97 REIJO PAMI: dreaming of being a tampon LP
"only very few people on this planet can get away with what reijo pami usually does, luckily!
minimalism has been taken far too serious, though pami single handed succeeds to change the tooth of time by stretching his arms and demanding a bunch of plastic horses to icebear on contact miced wooden tables all over the planet, resulting in revolutionairy simple sound barks!
finland is played by reijo pami, the result of left wing parents and children of the revolution refreshing his loud mind.
for maximum confusion on most levels, no treatments, no overdubs, no instruments, no money... cheap tapes, open window, some walking.
if your body is an elastic you might wanne use it that way too, the muscles of this finnished headbanger are hearable on this lp, bricks are made ON this record, or do you wanne watch tv on this lp, it's all possible!
chocolate monk and lal lal lal were pioneers in publishing his music earlier, and i am sure this will be the spring hit of 2011!
hand spray painted and stuck on cover design, all covers are a little different.
limited to 200 copies, no reissues"
UE96 HAIR STYLISTICS : Hustler power electronics convention LP
"you must live in tokyo to be able to follow the immense output of the soundburrier that is MASAYA NAKAHARA, aka VIOLENT ONSEN GEISHA, most of his work doesn't make it out of Satou Dan's Tatsunoya bar in Shinjuku, not because noone wants it, just because the tokyo noise scene seems to gather there late at night to forefil their pork anus - chicken paw needs, and NAKAHARA's last 40 cdr's were the ideal soundtracks for this ritual.
the old skool dead pan electronics, plunderphonics, parodies, noise blasts and synth madness that VIOLENT ONSEN GEISHA or HAIR STYLISTICS released, have always been accompanied by titles and artwork that made you doubt if it was even necessary to listen or look at anything else, much like the lafms box on rrr now that i think of it. bullshit of course, like every record announcement!
When i visited Tokyo in January i accidentally met Nakahara in a recordstore, we mainly communicated in sign language but he did remember that i asked him to do a record some years before, he sign languaged that he was bad with sending stuff in the mail and asked how many days i would stay in Tokyo, i made the rather simple hand gesture of putting 3 fingers in the air, which he replied to with the words "A side tommorow". As accidentally, i bump into him again the next day carrying around the A side in his pocket, all made on that day with a heavy flu, which is hearable on the lp, a stripped down heavy dim sum of collaged tapes, mini electronics, coughs, sneezes, and ants! his big synths etc were all locked up somewhere. "B SIDE ON MONDAY", which was the day i left, the legend goes that Tokyo airport had to call my name on the speakers as Nakahara brought the master to the airport, seriously a minute before my plane left to belgium again that monday. the cover design and insert was a trio work of Nakahara Masaya, Tomoo Gokita and Dennis Tyfus.
this record is limited to 300 copies."
UE95 Dennis Tiefhuys: Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken zine
"52 pages, a collection of found/hardly changed photo's, drawings, exhausting text, and garbage from the archive of Dennis Tiefhuys, the jewish visual artist, residing in the middle of the diamant area in Antwerp/Belgium.
all of these pages were printed as "print rest", on the side of poster jobs, insert prints etc, it goes back to almost 5 years and is printed in off set, digital print, stencil print and photocopy on both glossy and mat paper.
limited to 200 copies"
UE94 Dennis Tyfus: Wefex spway book
"a collection of drawings, collages, paintings, photographs, spit-and ink work, and found images in both colour and black and white by Dennis Tyfus including a text by Wim Van Mulders.
This 256 page book was made in conjunction with the "Relax most of your muscles" exhibition, at Be Part in Waregem. It contains a handful of these works which where presented in the exhibition, however most were made solely for this publication.
limited to 500 copies"
UE93 VOM GRILL: "relax most of your muscles" soundtrack 7" unpleasant size 04
"a blurry midlife crisis for all children of the revolution! the A side of this psychedelic bumcrack is filled with 10 locked grooves, all vocal, some different panned brainbubbles, featuring one loop of Dennis Tyfus' personal alarm clock.
All of these sounds played simultaneously at the "Relax most of your muscles" Dennis Tyfus' solo exhibtion at Be Part in Waregem,Belgium, providing a non stop soundtrack that coincided with large paintings and around 20 film loops and drawings which created a disturbingly meditative landscape.
the B side is a vocal/metals track made with DT's grandfather's stamp.
handnumbered and limited to 200 copies."
"a free paper full of drawings, photo's, poetry, text etc..
with contributions by Alivia ZIvich and Nate Young, C. Spencer Yeh, Bill Nace, Nel Aerts, Robert Beatty, Carla Arocha, Mark Gonzales, Captain Cereal Gerard Herman, Lieven Segers, G-Artfield, Narelle Dore, Chris Corsano, Graham Lambkin, Brian Chippendale, Bill Kouligas, Tomoo Gokita, Cameron Jamie, Angela Sawyer, Savage Pencil, Hendrik Hegray, Jocko Weyland, Daisuke Ichiba, Ludo Mich, Jim Drain, Leif Goldberg, Massimiliano Bomba, Mike Diana, Elisa Ambrogio, Mika Taanila, John Olson, Joshua Burkett, Viviane Klagsbrun, Kevin Apetown, Dennis Tyfus, Jeff Hartford, Jessie Schiettekatte, Byron Coley, Pat Stevens, Jessica Rylan, Miles Huston, Max Eisenberger, Vincent Stroep, Vaast Colson, Joke Leonare and Jospeh Clayton Mills
3000 copies made." |
UE91 BOB & LOU: five tracks 1991 - 1993 LP
"one of the earliest cdr's on ultra eczema was a Bob & Lou cdr, which were also recordings from the 90's, and which, together with discovering the insane recorded archive of cassis cornuta, sparkled the idea of collecting and publishing the lost recordings of these belgian weirdo's! Bob & Lou is the pseudonym for the duo field recording / electro-acoustic synth project that Peter De Ceulaer and Luther Vanhoof started in the late 80's. They never played live as Bob & Lou although both of them also played in SPACECACTUS, a loose collective that would play live and build side specific soundart installations. A lot of the Bob & lou recordings were used in radioplays they would construct for Radio Centraal in Antwerp. Bob would also record most jingles for the radio and was the chairman there until he sadly passed away on october 30 of last year, therfore this record carries a incredibly typical "centraal sound", since i got obsessed with this insane radio station this strange combination of library space music, radical satire, fassbinder, klaus schulze and percise field recording styles has not left me ever!
The obsession of hunting down the right microphones, synthesizers and self build metal instruments in combination with the ability to build, mix, cut and paste and change any existing format resulted in a amazing recorded archive and a giant studio where no one but Bobby Colombo could find his way around...
This record is limited to 200 copies and comes with a "real" photo, developed at the colunst house, a fold open space poster and a sleeve with more archival photography on it."
UE89 GEORGE TOET SMITS: isomopolis. ICC one sided LP
"For a while i thought i was completely lost in the maze that is the recorded archive of George "TOET" Smits, a few years back i got boxes full of cassettes that i have been sitting thru for a few years, a bunch unlabeled, and a lot of recordings from his ZBOLK NIGHT RADIO. George Toet Smits started out playing mouth organ and guitar in Ferre Grignard's band in the 1960's, he was also a vibrant part of the Ercola collective in Antwerp, where he co-published
"Spruit", a comic/fanzine or "mannekesblad" full of psychedelic insanity, has always been connected to Radio Centraal where he did the incredible "zbolk night radio" , a show weekly remixing his own music, both electronic and recordings of his sound sculptures. he silkscreened under the "mafprint" moniker, was losely connected to the "vacuum" artist space, played in the "Cash? Cash!" film by Paul Collet and started building his own string/isomo instruments after finding a surfboard on a beach..
this one sider is a recording of the long string instalations he build for his first exhibtion at ICC in antwerp, it is a archival recording from 1981. metals, strings, feathers and springs amplified by isomo creating a weird psychedelic ball of confusion.
this edition includes an insert with photo's from the man's archive, a silkscreen on the b side and a interview that patrick vandenberghe did in early spring 1997, a few months before the illness was diagnosed that sadly took his life.
limited to only 200 copies!"
UE88 CASSIS CORNUTA: 25 jaar de gebraden zwaan zingt LP
"after some years now, a archival lp of cassis cornuta is a more than welcome break!! basicly the only archival material of him availble is the double cdr he did 5 years agao or so.
DE GEBRADEN ZWAAN ZINGT is daniel renders' weekly noise radioshow on radio centraal, since 25 years this show has been mixing recycled music, private recordings, broken records, tapeloops, field recordings and a ton of noise! this record is a small collection of recordings made exactly 25 years ago at home in antwerp, using cassetteloops, cassetteplayers whose buttons when pressed in a particular way allowed for variable playback speed, tunrtable (16, 33, 45 , 78 rpm) whose driving wheel could be deregulated to produce extreme slow playback or complete manual control of the record movement, feedback mechanisms, radio noise, radio signals, piano, copper pipes, cans etc..
very primitive bagger that brings to mind early blockaders etc
comes in a sleeve with 2 photos from 25 years back, with daniel sporting a huge type of mowhawk, an insert with more photo's and liner notes and the poster of the 25 hour long happening that this record was made in conjunction with!
limited to 250 copies."
UE87 EVIL MADNESS: cafe cicago LP
"things were different in thailand a few years back, since it's inhabited by the sleazy christophersons or lou de preycks of our time, you can not just enter cocktail bars anymore without showing your ID! the idea is simple and plain though: watching the sunset with purple sunglasses and a fresh strawberry diahreah with ice in your hands while listening to classic german kraut or early kraftmenship from the same country! sliding over the autobahn while dreaming away on the analog waves of throbbing 80's fueled synth blubber! knowing that everything is gonne be alright while putting your icecold hand on her warm wet bibs!
this record is the summer hit of 2010, a heroic soundtrack to staring into nothingness! the ideal trigger for a change of times! and especially the absolute tribute to krautrock, early german electronics, and later spin offs of neu, harmonia etc.. the band michael rother should have been in! an absolute "super group" with morthound's BJ NILSEN, classical mad scientist JOHANN JOHANNSSON, roadchief PETUR EYVINDSSON and intense visual artists and STILLUPSTEYPA members HELGI THORSON and SIGTRYGUR BERG SIGMARSSON!!
comes in a collaged cover design by denniss tyfusson limited to 300 copies" |
"you'll have to run thru a intense long brown tunnel before arriving at the best butcher in town! he'll cut your meat down to pure droned filet americain or prepar� from the chef! bears and bowie lookalikes are huge fans, as this bird butcher sliced many famous animals since a young age. he grew from playing cards in the bar with the big nuts via pinching fags in the parc to a full blown fine line worker!
spin him around and you get a conceptual artpiece, back to the old skool game of throwing cards on a table! poetics re-invented by dolle smurfen repeating the same word over and over again, until you eventually get it and snap, which usually takes a while. a perfect summer bummer for boiling brains and unusual double pleasure! classic tones, properly sliced feathers, and intense poetics.
comes in a metalic green cover design of a spit and ink painting by d tyfus. limited to 300 copies"
UE85 FLORIS VANHOOF: time slime LP
"some creatures have too much energy, too much energy even to be caught on a picture, by the time the machine sez click floris vanhoof already ran off, cutting and glueing 56 meters of lurid 8 and 16 mm film together to create a cluster of filmloops all playing at the same time and interacting with a slimeball of thick synth/tape madness!
a full time member of stoner ensemble R.O.T., though solo-soundwise very different, a full time visual artist and a full time body and synth builder/connaisseur! a lot to be full time, though stronger than the tape holding his filmloops or the elastic holding my stockings.
this records is a collage of home brew synth madness, fieldrecordings, detailed registrations of floris throwing a full drum kit 20 times of a staircase in a church, coincidences and liters of delicious tape delay spun together by a man who only eats fast food, as eating the real thing would take too much time, time that could be spent on more important things, like digging dick raaijmakers, art history, synths and long forgotten sound carriers! finally, the first lp by one of my favorite belgians! after a bunch of self published tapes, cdr's and films it was about time! limited to 300 copies, comes in a bright purple/black sleeve design by dennis tyfus and with 2 inserts, including the scores for these 2 side long pieces!" |
UE84 PIERRE ELITAIRE: de schepper 7" unpleasant size 03
"this year PIERRE ELITAIRE turns 50, about time for the oldest dj in antwerp to have his own 7" out!!!! in the 80's pierre and daniel (aka cassis cornuta) were the first and only weirdos in town buying and deejaying ACID HOUSE! they would play it on radio centraal, would always have the newest and strangest stuff and quickly started playing live acid themselves after getting a bunch of 303 roland basslines and 606 and 808 drummachines!
a mountain of twats started copying these genuine acid freaks selling it as if it was their own invention.
this 7", with a dutch parody of "the creator" on the a side, is a definite tribute to the original acid crew in belgium, mentioning cj bolland, olivier abeloos, acid marcske etc., and played classicly raw through a tiny amp, a 303 and a 606!! the flip side is a version of nicky trackx' "acid in the house", covered solidly in dutch by one of nicky's biggest fans..
limited to 200 copies, handnumbered in a stencil printed cover design with a 80's photo of pierre on the front!" |
UE83 FRIEDER BUTZMANN: i'm a 7 inch single 7" unpleasant size 02
"the german hero of prankart, weirdo live shows, and real head scratch records is back with a single about a single.. limited to only 200 copy's (handnumbered),
this single comes in a stencil printed cover design with elvis face on it. lay out by kevin apetown and ready to be filed under "seriously weird!" |
UE82 POPCORN 2x comp LP
"a follow up to last years' la bamba drama compilation, which anoyed the shit out of everyone that ever put it on, and made in conjunction with the UE POPCORN NIGHT(MARE), a night where over 30 people played a live cover version of Gershon Kingsley's banger from 1969! this double comp is the sweetest cherry on the cake, it should have been a single lp, but in a over-enthausiastic mood i kept inviting people (thinking noone would actually send something in).
"the first time i met jeff hartford aka moose jaw aka NOISE NOMADS was around 4 years ago in providence, a tense looking bear putting a mic in front of an amp, leaving the audience alone with a whale of feedback, pretty pretty pretty confused!! he walks out after cranking open the amp, a minute later a giant REAL christmas tree walks through the audience trying to find the way back to the amp, kicking people over, i guess this show was right after christmas time and jeff found it somewhere or he stared at a young kid that was about to decorate it.. i was very impressed by his show, both sound and performance wise, there was a seriously intense vibe there, felt like he could snap at any given moment and squeeze you to death with a christmas tree.. noise nomads' live sets are always strange, confusing and amazing, an amp iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ing while the man goes running around the block, a mountain of amps that start talking after he picked a fight with them, a sludgier drummer does not excist. it was definitely not the last time the man amazed me, his duo set with PAUL FLAHERTY (which is released on american tapes), the loner car rides i shared with him to his area in the valleys of northampton, his amazing monthly zines and tapes, his drumming with grey skull, his drawings etc.. it's a total psycho package; everything is there; visuals, sounds and a great dude! the first side of this record was recorded a bunch of years ago and is just voice and tascam! an amazing swollen beast of sound poetry, gargling waanzin, and muffled barking! the b side is the same dude a few years later on his knees in my livingroom screaming through a bassdrum and a contact mic attached to a bunch of pedals, harsher than a prison full of parrots about to be released! there should be more paintings like kim gordon's NOISE NOMADS!!!
limited to 300 copies"
UE80 DENNIS TYFUS zine "vecchia signora che viene aggredita da un cane"
"a 60 pages zine made as a contribution to the "changez, een belgenshow" exhibtion at 21 rozendaal in een schede/holland. this zine collects the short period right before this exhibition. all work is made or found between november 4th, when tyfus joined the subhumans of hair police on a tour through europe and december 31st. besides a lot of drawing in the tourvan, this period included a residency at codalunga in vittorio veneto (which also resulted in a exhibtion), a sinterklaas performance with benjamin verdonck, great second hand store found imagery, a ceiling fan party, a jacques beloeil show, a ludo mich show, and the first ever baking cookies attempt..
well collected in a 60 pages black and white zine (with a full color cover) limited to 600 copies" |
UE77 AGATHOCLES/SISSY SPACEK split 7" unpleasant size 01
"about 15 years too late! finally out. this is the first 7" in a yearlong monthly series of limited 7"es that will really be all over the place. anything goes: from the acid of pierre elitair to the mincecore of agathocles or a prank by frieder butzmann! this first one could actually be an lp! as usual with noisecore, grind or mince, this one has more tracks on it than 5 lp's together! 10 songs by each band, agathocles drills holes in your skull and pours in a cocktail of assgrinding diarrhea recorded on a rehearsal right before their mexican tour! this is no fancy pants studio recordings but the raw tapedeck deal, muffled grunts and painful fastness. on the flip side sissy takes it away with some gerogerigegege styled noisecore shaving off your nose and eyelashes, feels like the recording is actually sitting in a giant amp!!!!! a brutal slap of prepar� right there!
comes in a fold open cover design by debby tyfus, with lyrics etc. limited to 300 copies"
"a while ago one of the members of the youngest antwerp based free jazz band sheldon siegel (all 16 year olds..) visited me, i had just met them and he wanted to come by to get some records. we spoke about free jazz for a while, then he said the magical words "my dad use to play free jazz in the 70's as well".. i was like "ow, and if that was in antwerp, was it with wim?", he said "yes yes, he's on one of their tapes with fred van hove, ivo van der borght etc". my heartbeat went a little faster, wim only made one tape as far as i know, which is the weirdest thing they ever did, a bunch of the free dudes from those days playing as a brassband!! it seriously sounds disturbing. i pull out the tape, open it and asked "is your dad leo coomans?", he starts shivering and his eyeballs turned backwards, i called an ambulance, they pick him up and tell me i can not talk to this guy for a while as he is heavily epileptic! the doctor kept asking me "what the hell did you do the him", i said "i just showed him this tape"..
although i wasnt allowed to join him i sneaked into the hospital and woke him up, yelling so is this your daaaad or what? he said, "yes and he doesnt even have that tape", so i dubbed it for him and asked if he had some other solo recordings from those days?
leo coomans then compiled a bunch of unheard and beautiful basement recordings, collecting the period he mainly played in the antwerp jazz and artist bars!
when putting it on i expected some decent free music, relating to the other freaks from antwerp from those days, my mouth fell open though that this rather modest man made seriously strange outsider weirdness instead of free jazz from hell.
kicking of with aerosol, duo undertone singing to a aerosol machine he had to use for his asthma! watermuziek, playing with a bunch of tubes, saxophones, mouthpieces and his own voice in a bath tub half filled with water! untitled droning harmonica pieces which clearly shows his link with raga folks like wannes van de velde and such! vacuum cleaner attached to metals and soprano saxes!! a wacko paino and vacuumcleaner cover version of louie louie...
i hate to say it, but this realy is a treasure!
the cover design is 2 live shots, one of which he uses the aerosol machine. it also comes with an insert with more photos!" |
"lthough it's better than prison, it still isn't easy to live with two guys wearing an ankle bracelet, in the smallest possible wooden cabin somewhere in between New York and Detroit. There's no food anymore, tap water is not drinkable, and eating each other's intestines seems to be the last enjoyable possibilty. The thick dense sound of synth throbbing bubbles up from these hungry bowels. 2 synths fighting their ways to better times, though right now everything looks pretty dark, gnarly and industrial, classic heavy synth waves, rhythmic madness and electronic sadness.
Comes in a collage sleeve by Dennis Tyfus, limited to 300 copies." |
UE74 DENNIS TYFUS / VAAST COLSON book "a ella le gusta la casalina (dame mas casalina!) como le encanta la casalina"
"in august 2009, dt and vc (among others) went to a house on top of a mountain in arenas in spain. the only thing they did there was enjoy the brilliant cooking of vincent stroep and tom liekens, try various alcoholic drinks, swim in the swimming pool and make drawings and collages all week.
this 240 page book collects all the drawings and collages they made there. raw sketches, detailed black and white drawings, a mountain of penelope cruz madness, sexy times, colourful curly noses, etc..
limited to 500 copies" |
"bang on the doors for a few hours, no one will open up at the banana fish office! for many people banana fish was a bible, and the pre interweb source to find out about manic street searchers such as prick decay, emil beauliau, neil hamburger, etc... there is absolutely no magazine that ever replaced bf and same goes for their equally amazing own vague "band" glands of external secretion, seems like anything can be thrown in at any given moment, collage music at it's very best, heavy tape machines, too heavy to cary to a gig for sure as they refuse playing live, deep carrots stuck in the bufms scene, a maze of pseudonyms to cover any road leading to clear water. let us stay in a pool of mud and try to find out what's up here, it's been a while since glands did "something" and this lp is the very hammer to knock yourself out with after a long search for "better" auditive drugs!
comes in a recycled cover colaged cover design, by dennis tyfus, silkscreened by jelle crama, and includes an insert. limited to 300 copies" |
"Kito-Mizukumi Rouber is formed at Tokyo. We are dance bands. Your ankle is be cramped with a rhythm! We are burst of laughter, drinks tea and digs the ground, and sometimes hungry!! Papekyowance pyorotomi: guitar, vox, dance. Tecondo Ookuninushino Makoto: guitar, vox, dance. Papa Big Papa: drums, vox, dance. Recorded by Meo Uwan at the Chichi no ke studio." - Kito-Mizukumi Rouber." |
"When Chris Corsano turned 6 years old, I already begged him on my wounded knees to record an LP for Ultra Eczema. He played it cool, was clearly annoyed but remained polite. From then on (he is now 46) I would email him the same question daily. I slept in a tent in front of his house, sent him letters every week, had all his different cell phone numbers, I even gave him new clothes, though he kept wearing his fully blue outfit. Much like Michael Jackson, Corsano, the last drummer on earth, always remained calm and polite and made this full on incredible LP of absolute madness played on different drum sets, toy percussion, baritone sax mouthpiece on a 2 foot metal pipe, violin strings, banjo and violin bridges, contact mics, effect pedals, claw bell, metal strips from windshield wipers, toy comb, clarinet, toy gamelan, guitar cable, gongs, metals, triangle, nylon guitar strings, amps, melodica, pot lids etc. In every collab he played in (with Bill Nace, Thurston Moore, Spencer Yeh, John Olson, Eric Thielemans, Bjork, Byron Colley, Blood Stereo, Paul Flaherty, Greg Kelley, Idea Fire Company, etc.) he always changes things and never sounds the same.
Corsano, together with all mentioned collaborators above, changed and refreshed improvised music forever, blew the "free" into free music again, threw an energy molotov cocktail over western Massachussets, and has a non-academic and unlimited interest in sounds far behind any traditional free music school! This LP is a collection of most of his different techniques that blew you away when you saw him play live.
Comes in a hairy black and white cover by Dennis Tyfus, with an insert. Limited to 400 copies." |
"During my last visit to the states, about 2 years ago, one of the highlights was definitely a night long visit to Scott Fousts house! John Shaw took us there and explained from before what it was gonna be like; we would be seated down in a comfortable couch while the last great man would stand up next to a pedestal with some quality whiskey, dope and cigarettes on it, sporting a mono-coloured suit and sunglasses (day and night) while Foust is telling stories about different art records, and mainly his own work, ranging from short films, visual work and audio since 1978! It was exactly how Shaw explained it. I was blown away by the honesty and the effort him and his ladyfriend Karla Borecki put into their work, and how little response they get to it. We shared a common interest in arrogant pop quality, and especially the situationists, to which he relates his work to in only aesthetic way! I think it is a quality in people when you cant divide their work with their persona; Idea Fire Company is a collective of people that definitely swing that robe! Beautiful carpets of radio bleebs and static, piano (Karla Borecki is a trained pianist) and almost kraut-like synth ambience. Comes in a mono coloured sleeve full of dots by Dennis Tyfus, and comes with an insert. Limited to 300 copies." |
UE69 CASSIS CORNUTA mag ik eens even in uw broek pissen LP
"since 69 years i've been begging daniel de wereldvermaarde botanicus, aka CASSIS CORNUTA, if i could please start a second recordlabel which only releases recordings from his archive. this botanic's modesty is an absolute exception in times of an overdose of recorded farts, since 1974 CASSIS CORNUTA combines musique concr�te, analog synthesizer carpets, weirdo acid, noise, fieldrecordings, tape music, free jazz etc in a puddle of madness spiced with odd staring, dozens of plants (cacti to be more specific), a encyclopedic knowledge about soundart, and an insane collection of hats! besides that, daniel does a weekly radioshow on radio centraal in antwerp since 25 years, mainly playing a combination of recycled music, home recordings and a hell lot of noise! this lp is playable on more than 4 different ways, depending on how many extra holes daniel drilled in each record by hand! some records contain 3 extra holes, some around 20.. none of the lp's have just one hole, that would be selfish.
another beautiful collection of loner synth sound that makes your hangovers or lsd trips worth going for, the strangest beat oriented 303 and 808 acid snoop, and a combination of piss, wind and wood to bring back the good old plunderblur of the new blockaders. this lp comes in a collaged cover design made with pictures from daniel's archive, with an insert and an extra photo. limited to 300 copies!" |
"over 15 years ago dani�l de wereldvermaarde botanicus (hat and cacti collector cassis cornuta) deejayed a ton of horrible la bamba versions for 2 hours in the now defunct situationist radioshow rtvs (radio centraal -antwerp). the "galdezen" of rtvs yelled/sung along, creating their own versions of la bamba while getting more and more hammered or naturally gone from a bamba trance!
after telling me this short story dani�l mumbled "i always wanted to dj all night long la bamba, i think it will drive people insane", this idea expanded into making this international compilation lp , which was made for the ultros exemos la bamba night(mare), february 28/2009 at scheldapen in antwerp. that night dani�l deejayed over 300 different versions of la bamba, only to be interluded by a giant lineup of artists performing a live la bamba rendition!
this lp includes la bamba versions by ; sudden infant! floris vanhoof! angst hase pfeffer nase! bromptreb! anla courtis! smack music 7! kommissar hjuler! mitt land och leo! human hairs! daniel de wereldvermaarde botanicus! remork! reijo pami! glands of external secretion! jan van den dobbelsteen! rubber o cement! ludo mich! mama b�r! tomutonto! vvm & the synthetic voice of gaeoudjiparl van den dobbelsteen! dani�lle lemaire! kraus! and fricara pacchu!
some of these versions sound very very far away from how u know la bamba, others sound a little bit closer..
limited to 400 copies !" |
"Orphan Fairytale is the solo moniker of Eva Van Deuren, member of the lady folk troupe Maskesmachine, who started blowing my mind 12 years ago as a street performance troupe in Antwerp. Besides my own ladyfriend, I don't think I know anyone better than Eva, and her boyfriend (Audiobot madman) Carlo Steegen. For some reason this makes it even more difficult to write a decent description for this record; we live in the same mansion, and I could write a lot of stories about doing the dishes together, or putting the garbage out. Orphan Fairytale is a dedication to Eva's mom, who died when Eva was 14 years old. A melancholic soundtrack to the loss, and a way of dealing with it! A maze of ever-changing Casio trips dripping with childish ecstasy, a belly dancer oozing for endless adolescence playing with burned dolls in a Barbie house filled with pedals and looptapes! Melanchotronic folk reminiscent to some Moondog, the contemporary Finnish crew, Delia Derbyshire and Asian pop. This LP comes in a full colour collaged cover design by Dennis Tyfus with 2 inserts. Limited to 400 copies." |
"Wout Vercammen (1938) is a highly influental visual artist from Antwerp, Belgium. A nonstop performer since the early 50's, described by Ludo Mich as "the Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde from Antwerp. A tight dressed dandy, going bananas every night, and looking as tight and clean the morning after". He has been inspiring the Belgian underground art scene for more than fifty years. He was the youngest artist making real paintings at the end of the fifties. Abstractionism reduced to one gesture. One sweep. One movement of the sword. One twirling horizon� Pulling Hokusai into space and time, Vercammen organised and executed the very first happenings in Belgium in the early sixties. Great collages, the only real pop artist in Belgium, latex word paintings, pneumatic forms before someone else got bigger with it. Always on the move. The way Wout Vercammen acts, performs, talks and moves is perfectly captured on this LP! When living in Antwerp, chances are you witnessed a Wout Vercammen performance without even realizing it, this is possible at any given moment. Smuggling jenever into prison, painting the copper dome of the Carolus Borromeus church white, filling blue garbage bags with air, and especially howling like a wolf, primitive throat singing and using the whole bar as a percussive instrument!!! Wout Vercammen changes reality, and makes it a tiny bit better.
This record is a collection of accidently recorded "moments" and a composition of a black, a yellow and a red paint bucket all shook up through a synth and a 4 track! All varying from percussive punk primitive madness comparable to Kommisar Hjuler, a strange conversation in a garden to soundpoetry, howling and screaming. I am absolutely psyched to release this, as Wout Vercammen along with Ludo Mich has always been my favorite Antwerp psycho! Reminiscent of Ludo Mich, Kommisar Hjuler, the Vienna Actionists, Hans Kr�si...
The LP comes in a offset printed sleeve with pictures of the artist, an insert with more pictures and liner notes by art critic Hans Theys! Limited to 400 copies." |
"the road is long, sweaty and tense when your shoes are made of metal and you have to walk through a labyrinth with a magnetic floor to reach a brown sea full of hungry lobsters. the ship is waiting though, and the tension is building up heavily with every spin of this record, heavy meditative aircraft static blurr slowing down your usual codeine rhythm!
modular synth carpets at its nastiest! you'll be purring when you're on the actual boat.. thick like your mommy's wallet, yet sparse droning that'll get you more "out there" than bob marley at his vaguest. 2 pieces pushing your brains to one side if the volume is right.
limited to 300 copies, comes in a neon green and black sleeve by ulf f faefs." |
"I have been begging the Massachusetts based acidfolklorist Joshua Burkett to do a record on Ultra Eczema for years. I met him through Ron of Sunburned Hand Of The Man about 5 years ago, when they did a duo radio session at Radio Centraal, which later got released as a Pewtr Trust CDR on UE. I was struck by Joshua's mix of shyness, amazing and heavy acoustic guitar playing and his encyclopedic knowledge of weirdo music. His music is usually so silent that it makes you all tense and walk on socks instead of wooden shoes. The Yellowbeard LP is a collection of adolescent/teenage recordings made by Joshua Burkett between 1990 and 1994, probably right before the time he joined Wayne and Kate Village in Vermonster! Some of the recordings were overdubbed in 2008.
This is a beautiful collection of collaged scrambled bedroom madness, teenage wilderness, guitar noise, acidfolk, almost psych, organ fuckery, space between the tape deck and the player, outsider beauty!!!!!!!
This LP comes with a glow in the dark sticker and an insert in a neon yellow/black fold open silkscreened cover design by Dennis Tyfus, limited to 300 copies." |
"While my face drips with pus, yellow soup, manjuice and morning youghurt, i finally got an injection against measles, which I also suffered from until i found out about Preggy Peggy and the lazy Babymakers (both thru a cdr on the great CHOCOLATE MONK and on Preggy's own "being weird isn't enough records"!), I thought they deserved it more then I did. As a "prize" I could release their record inspired by the subject matter. Which became a beautiful audiobook like a madman's guide to alienville! The medicine these chaps have to use makes em sing in different colours and add styles to eachother that never heard of eachother's existence. PREGGY PEGGY AND THE LAZY BABYMAKERS basicly got started because of ANGELA SAWYER's (Boston based psycho recordcollector and owner of the great WEIRDO RECORDS store!) compulsive need to overdub a mountain of voices over a mountain of strange instruments played by JA, the other PREGGY who aparantly "lives on one of New England's gray shabby beaches with a couple of miniature fluffy dogs"! They never play live, it is probably pretty impossible to do live anyway, and style wars it sort of comes near SUN CITY GIRLS jams with FRANCOIS DUFRENE, remixed by a Texas hill billy.. both members were in a mountain of bands noone ever heard of, such as; Pig Sex, The Pie Plate Band, The Cool Breeze, Jet Jaguar Backing Band, Phenomenological Boys, Stick a Fork In It, Laser Laser Laser Laser, The White People, Cough Syrup, The Saliva Sisters, Giacinto Scelsi Tribute Band, White Cocaine, My Son's Coloring Book, The Whoop Whoop Girls, Jimmy & the Waffles, N. Soseki/T. Hatsuro, The Kantian Project, Instant Distance Mental Powers, The Whistle Band, Byron, Jimmy & Gerard, Les Garcons Sur La Plage, Life Partners, The A Minor Project, Moshi Moshi I Am the Decider, Goils Goils & Fripped, Swastika Niggers, Sun Shine Sanitarium, The Cloud Club, Scarcity of Tanks, The Depressed Horns, Fleetwood Sac & the Sex-Havers, Human Hairs, Grizzler Big Band Exusamwa, Duck That, etc..
Comes in a collaged cover with a new born baby on it and prince Charles and an insert." |
"When you go to Finland, a country where 95% of the population is inbreed, chances are that you will meet at least 7 members of the Avarus family! You can smell them from a mile away, they're the adults raising their kids on homebrew white spirit, continuously producing the kind of farts you can't hear though the stench is worse than the ones that sound like a brassband. Behind every Finnish tree there is a member of Avarus humping another Avarus member, and rarely a Kemialliset Ystavat member (the other 5% of Finns). The governement of Finland is not proud of this sick family, they try to keep it silent, rarely give interviews to press from other countries and make sure planes hardly fly out. Though for some reason Arttu Partinen, Roope Eronen and Tero Niskanen made it as a trio in a small boat to the USA. The only instruments that made it were a few balloons and a crappy casio. On arrival they found a microphone, a drum and more toys, climbed the WFMU building and played the craziest session ever! Like a bunch of children discovering the 50's euro avant garde scene, the 60's psychedelic free jazz and pre-punk scene, the 70's sound poetry and punk scene and the 80's disco scene in one afternoon!! This LP sounds like a mix of all of that I guess. Limited to 300 copies, comes in a psychedelic duo coloured cover by Dennis Tyfus." |
"This is a tape recording done on September 24, 1998 on the day of the exhibition "privacy" at Fundacao de Serralves in Porto, by Belgiums biggest contemporary painter LUC TUYMANS and Polands giant brutal sculpturist MIROSLAV BALKA. This recording took place in the building and garden of Fundacao de Serralves and Porto Palacio Hotel. The basic idea was to record the sound of running horses for a collaborative public sound sculpture by both artists, however during the process other sounds (such as drunk Venezualan singing, "vacuumcleaning", rambling, and discussions about Maurizio Catalan and the snake of jungle book who by the way "has a very stupid expression on his face") landed on the tape which changed the running horses into crazy horses. This record is released for the "involved" exhibtion in Shanghai, curated by Phillippe Pirotte.
Limited to 500 copies, B-side features an etching by Tuymans and Balka." |
"besides the people that i owe a trade and the people in antwerp that wanne piss in my neck because my tale is longer then theirs, there's a mountain of people that actually wanne hurt me physically because they sent me a master of inbelievebly great recordings years back that everyone should hear, though it takes frigging ages before they actually come out.
"de nagalm op de kopf" is a compilation like that! a collection of sounds that represent ultra eczema pretty well although some of the recordings on this comp are over 5 years old! a variation of odd, "funny", retarded, great, noisy, free, off, loud, harsh, sad and brutal tracks by noise nomads, krystal knight (aka jessica rylan aka can't), hacky pack zac sac, mudboy, cement future, happy mother's day i can't read, cards on my cunt, prurient, ex members of josh hydeman, cloaca & vom grill, xo4, burning star core, kites, defneg, tumble cat poof poofy poof, trashbusters, anthro rex, eric boros, bloated ego and the compliments, mouthus, mix ape synb, orphan fairytale, unicorn hard on, muslux, grey skull, black tie rubber pussy, god willing, bobby colombo with silver cindy & jb de kunst!!!
the comp cd comes in a cover designed by dennis tyfus, joshua burkett, noise nomads and bill nace!
the cd sits in between a 16 page paper full of drawings and collages by dennis tyfus and liner notes by carlo steegen!"
"i don't know a rabi that yells as high pitched and psycho then nik rizili! and i don't know another guitarist besides oren ambarchi that can make strings sound like yiddish yelling! they do sound like ladies that have their period non stop, since 5 years! and they do sound like they are 456 km away from the hospital while the head of a baby is forcing it's way out of a mangina. so much stress, and strings so loose on a guitar that u can put both your legs and your two arms between the strings and the actual instrument. a hyperactive and creepy and slow carnaval of absolute madness! reminiscent to the more sparse parts of harry pussy, the screaming of hanatarashi. limited to 300 copies! comes with a insert, a small poster, a sticker, an etching on the b side, and found footage cover art by dt." |
"this record is all about flipping the coin. flipping the coin of persistence and patience. a heavy endurance test pill to swallow and right on time for chilly winter nights. dylan nyoukis is back on his grind. and a toothcrushing experience it is. going back to the old school vocal perversion the chocolate monk president is known for. i met the bearded one at the beach in brighton for the first time, where dylan was sipping dirtcheap beer and gargling bits of slayer lyrics while pointing directions to his crib. a retarded brew of high and low pitched vocal scruff, muffled sonic slime and lungs full of asbestos dust from sitting in a cave of obscurity for the past twenty years. he will sing for wine or ass candy and likes visuals that piss on the hi-brow. total no-fi cassette trouble and underage kids chewing on dusted tapeloops, basically more science fiction that the inflatable puppets in munchies. then the needle stops moving and we hike to belgium.
tyfus drools in the microphone and let's his bodily juices make contact with translation delays, empty kleenex boxes and the power that controls the earth's core. constant knob tweaking, contact mic'd cheese balls, endless layers of mutilated throat sounds jump across the circuitboard like mechanical ants. there's a lot of weird information to absord here. besides the vicious ragtime gobot action, there's a gentle more furry choir medidation zone that will trance your brain muscles over the rainbow. highly influenced by aborignal ways of life and the medidative nature of throat singing, homo sapiens tyfus spit out a true projection of his tormented soul. apparently there's a difference between music and sounds ?
packaged in a classic fold-out silkscreen jacket in a limited edition of only 250 copies. go hard is all they know... (text by carloo steegen)" |
"luckily wiese doesn't need no introduction, mang did 1234's of colabs, released tons of beauties on his own helicopter label, played with sunn o)) and is a great graphic designer! this record is painfully harsh at times and even more painfully sensitive at times! less a wall of nuttery and buckets full of zist and garbage thrown at your head, more of an aural test to see how much teasing your insides and your flappy ears can stand. a collection of cut-ups from his european tour last year, using guitar, drums, voice, tape, misc.. the perfect soundtrack for cutting your toenails out with a knife. comes in a silkscreened fold open cover design by dennis tyfus. numbered and limited to 300 copies." |
"a puddle of gross sound poetry, ran thru some mentally ill reel tape machines more then once, then re worked again and again and again and again", is how you could describe the first SPACE_CACTUS lp in their 20 years existence! when i sent the master of this recording to the pressing plant, the people there asked "is it possible u sent us the wrong audio file, we can only here a voice soundcheck".
SPACE_CACTUS on this record is the infamous BOBBY COLOMBO (who, you could say, is the overall co-ordinator of space_cactus in general) together with cacti and hat collector, instrument inventor, and happy space maker CASSIS CORNUTA. though for every project SPACE_CACTUS has different line ups.
this lp is different then their usual massive analog synth set up, only voices, prepared voice and reel tape machines are used for this recording. over the past 20 years they have rarely played live, only choose specific occasions for live shows, such as the "30 seconds of spacecactus" at factor 44, or soundworks for exhibtions. they have mainly focused on recording radioplays, jingles, film soundtracks, etc., one could sort of compare space_cactus with the bbc workshop, though S_C is more raw, satirical and brutal!
this lp is limited to 150 copies (8 copies luxery edition, the rest numbered and stamped to 142 copies) and comes in a fold open double sided silkscreened coverdesign by dennis tyfus, screened by jean prutpoes. |
"ANGST HASE PFEFFER NASE; glistening inn lp very very excited to anounce the first lp in 10 years by masachussets based ANGST HASE PFEFFER NASE!!! pretty much 9 years it took to make this album, i can not say i know a lot of people that have the patience to work on one thing that long, maybe i am mistaking hyper neurotic action with patience here though...ANGST HASE PFEFFER NASE is the moniker of CHRIS COOPER a multi instrumentalist, cat and moustache toucher, neologist and member/guitarist or ex member/guitarist of bands such as DEERHOOF, a duo with BILL NACE called BUDDIES (though nace would love to see that name changed..), TURBWASN, FAT WORM OF ERROR, BARN OWL, CAROLINER etc etc etc...probably this is one of the most intense and most "filled" records UE released so far, a percise collage of beautiful sound made with more instruments then a parrot could handle, such as Plastic guitar, bass, clarinet, banjo, optigon/organ,egg slicer, ratchets, broken toys, fan motors, whirliegigs, glasses, tape loops..etc. poor rabbits quickly hide when they see the red head with the twitching eye play his tunes with more then 34 hands at the same time, this could be the soundtrack for some seriously fucked up road circus, dead rabbits crawl out of a lazy elephants hat while a sad tapeloop of a rotting harmonium plays your uncle vomits fave cough sirup tap dance blur, oozing for some romantic noise crackles, the nostalgia of the banana fish days putss him down in his cough again wheeping like a black cat on an attic in new jersey! ANGST HASE has previously released 1lp, 2 7"s, some comp tracks, and a recycled tape for rrr. reminiscent to some caroliner, kemialliset yst�v�t, hans grusels krankenkabinet, etc. full colour cover art/collage and full colour insert by dennis tyfus. limited to 500 copies." |
"this is the first in a series of solo percussion lp's on ultra eczema, titled sts! though this piece is written for only a snare drum and a tiny bit of vocals (resonating with the snare drum) it sounds like either 20 people on a snaredrum or like a choir, and by the end definately like the sound of a whitehouse lp. this piece is based on a snare roll which changes 3 times. the b side is a psychedelic etch! eric thielemans is based in antwerp/belgium and has made percussive pieces for theatre, has played psychedelic guitar music with mauro pawlowski, spaced freemusc with sickboy and cassisini division and a ton load of great freejazz with andre goudbeek and peter jacquemyn. this record is limited to 500 copies, has an insert and comes in a duo coloured psychic design by dennis tyfus." |
"Jos Steen is a remarkable outsider in the purest possible sense of the word. Telling stories about the dude always sounds like theyre untrue or seriously exaggerated, the way he lives sounds like a fairytale and the way he acts would resemble the heaviest mix of Bukowski and Bobby Colombo. Jos lives in a tiny house underneath a radio tower of the national TV and radio station VRT, where he works as an audio librarian. The house is built on the highest point of the area in a forest. You can see it from miles and miles away. Its tiny but can be called a museum! It is full of homemade instruments and broken pianos, amazing wooden stringed instruments made of garbage and all kinds of foreign instruments no one remembers the name of. Since around 1964 Jos has been making poems, stories, paintings, collages, drawings and music/sound to kill the demons in his head or jam along to their forceful blues. Some call him the Belgian Beefheart and the people that already forgot about Beefheart talk about a local little Howlin Wolf. Jos always made self-released zines, tapes and more recently, mountains of CD-Rs of homemade blues, broken bottle experiments and heavy free music folk. This LP is a selection of tracks of a recent CD-R of tape and record player experiments spiced with vacuum cleaners, rotting voices, undefinable strings, pianos, etc. Its absolutely unthinkable his work could be potentially lost in time and space, for fucks sake, the dude is a genius! In the past, Jos played with free jazz greats like Peter Jacquemin, Andr� Goudbeek, Yvo van der Borght, with poetry psychos like Roland Topor and Freddy de Vree, and with Zappas own Jimmy Carl Black who begged on his bare knees to play with Jos ... well maybe thats exaggerated as well. This LP comes in a gold and white cover by Dennis Tyfus and an offset printed insert!" |
"Released for the "Welcome Home" homage exhibition at the Muhka in Antwerp, Belgium. The audio was taken from a video called "Fred Bervoets over leven en werk", which was made by the Audio Visual department at K.U. Leuven, Belgium. Limited to 300 copies" |
UE46 DENNIS TYFUS 0032(3) 2934834
"this lp collects a selection of phonecalls made daily between may 5th and july 29th 2007 as part of the groupexhibition "virus" at the hessenhuis in antwerp. most of these calls have been broadcast during the weekly "tyfustijd" radioshow on radio centraal (106.7fm). the conversations on this lp are either really embarrassing, sad or mean. the people who weren't on the other side of the line tought it was funny though... the conversations interlude with vomgrill's analog synth and scruffy voice tunes which gives it a specific radioplay sound or even borders with sound poetry. limited to 400 copies, full colour cover design by dennis tyfus and kermit apetown. comes with liner notes and a picture of a 11 year old tyfus calling his grandmum." |
"the trio of bill nace, john truscinski and jake meginsky deliver their fourth spars, spaced scratched and creeped record, after their debut cdr on audiobot, an amazing tape on bill's own inprint "open mouth" and an lp on ecstatic peace. although this band uses only 2 guitars and percussion they've built up a paradise of tension between instruments that by far dont sound like you'de think they'de sound.. it does sound like someone is pulling your veins gently, softly focused on not realy hurting you but having chinese torture in the back of your brain. a no named peasant would guess this music was made by an old dog collecting thousands of little pieces of metal, knowing exactly what they would sound like if u rub them onto another miked metal closet or a circuit bend old wooden clock. sensitive guitar molesting is never far away. i've heard the master for this record about 50 times before releasing it and still recognize new sounds in it. there's a lot of space on here, and it's realy hard to figure out which instrument is which, not that it matters, but i did think "what the hell is this sound made of". besides xo4 and his solo work, bill nace also plays in a duo with chris cooper, in vampire belt with chris corsano, and in northampton wools with thurston moore. he also does amazing drawings, books and open mouth records/tapes. both john truscinski and jake meginsky also do amazing solo work! this record comes in a collaged cover design by dennis tyfus, limited to 500 copies." |
"please translate all the titles and our names in flemmish" KOMMISSAR HJULER asked me for this record, this records continues the german couple's satirical aproach to fluxus, dada, outisider art, whatever u wanna call it.. KOMMISSAR HJULER is a police officer from a small village in germany "flensburg", where he lives and works with his younger wife MAMA B�R and their kids. MAMA B�R is a full time painter. the KOMMISAR only started making music when he was already in his thirtees, heavily influenced by the strange music he had been collecting since the age of 16. almost all of their music got released on their own SHMF inprint, mostly limited to less then 20 copies and always packed in handmade collages, paintings or even giant puppets or garbage melted together.. they've done a bunch of collabs with greats like RUDOLF EB-ER and JAN IWERS. this lp includes three long tracks; a hysterical cover version of suicides' frankie teardrop, a piece about the bronx (with some guest vocals of their kid crying..) and a side long screaming argument between a granddad and a kid which sounds so painfully loud and "german" that every touring band will want to skip germany in the near future.. this record gives you a pretty good introduction of what they're all about.
KOMMISSAR HJULER and MAMA B�R's way of working reminds me of people like BOBBY COLOMBO, SCOTT FOUST, RUDOLF EB-ER or even GIL J WOLMAN. it's the last one in the ultra eczema 6 panel fold out cover series, limited to 300 copies." |
"All barbeque references aside, you don't have to like animals to embrace synths. Tyfus makes his t-shirt wet and connects the substantial with the impossible. Like a nutty Vangelis bringing forth a goof dipped swaggering pressure. A transition into surreal cheesecakes, wrinkled foreheads and gay bombs over Ibiza. Radical behaviour might be dying out in other cities, but in Vomgrill's hometown Antwerp, local retards still help it thrive. No money in the bank but a stuffed hedgehog on the desk that never kisses the asses of the masses. Heavily influenced by electro-acoustic awareness, mid 80's strobe muscles, back-and-forth stereo holla, spiked metal logos and space age monkey brains. Like meeting a cat in a thunderstorm thinking about suicide. Tyfus spits out emotions like they're early morning Albany pancakes. Thick and juicy on the outside, pitchblack and lost once inside. Most of the Vomgrill tracks are created out of sheer luck, a bit like puttin' together Wonder Mike, Master Gee and Big Bank Hank and baptizing 'em as Sugarhill. No nappy headed ho shit but on the next level tip with black & white keys just like xerox. After vivisection and violence, and before variation... Another footnote in Antwerp's cosmic history and well worth a dime or two. You say one-dimensional ? Eat mud. Tyfus locks doors with all eyes closed. No MacGuyver but he has a blueprint for every situation and a back-up plan made out of cheddar. Music to give girls and icegrill to, if she doesn't smile back you can always throw some d's on that bitch. Cut the fingers off your gloves so you can feel. If you have enough energy stay up late. Dennis is loud. No cold turkey, he'll keep you up all night. No Transformers chit chat either but foreplay, orgasm and wine sipping rolled in one disgusting carpet blunt. Shit hurts. (description by carlo steegen)" |
"odd colored carpet of bizarre 3d fields dominate the bright and lurid psychedelic forests you'll have to run thru to grab a mug a brew at the end of the trip! hop on the back of a giant pink elephant and let go, eventually follow his tiny dick-like tail if u are too small to climb up this pink turt in space! but do give it a try and check out what's left? thats right: nothing! just a puddle of restless throbbing poop in different colours. the elephant turns out to be a puddle as well and the sounds you're hearing are all on the most psychedelic hair police lp so far! this is definitely way different then any of their other recordings, way more high bliss, blown out delayed voice and hardly any harshness. originally recorded as a hair police radio special for radio centraal in antwerp! thick black and neon blue eye destructive cover design and a psychic laser etch on the b-side of this 180 grams wax!"
"this is the second in a series of edmond de deyster (who sadly died in '99) archival lp's. edmond de deyster left an incredible amount of reel tapes behind, full of beautiful analog synthesizer music. his family was kind enough to share this archive with us.
it took me way longer than expected to get this second installment together, partly because i wanted to interview his relatives and other people who knew him during the years these tapes were made. frankly, time flies by too quick, and i decided to release this second lp first, and do all the interviews for the third release in this series. this second lp got selected from 2 reel tapes that were in the same box as the ones from the first lp. one of them mentions the same info as those first ones, "1975", the fourth tape didn't mention any information. i'm not entirely sure if these recordings were made in the same period, though they sound more like the previous stuff then like anything from the upcoming releases; incredibly sad and lonely synth tunes.
comes in a duo-coloured cover with photo's from edmond de deyster and an insert with liner notes and another picture, limited to 500 copies." |
"psychedelic carpets of spit, rusty violin strings, half eaten microphone protection, split open lips from too much donald duck inpersonifications, crushed toe nails, fictive electronic cartoon movie soundtracks, a madman destroying the whole kitchen etc..; its all there, burning star core is a psychic cameleon, besides his colaborations with dozens of contemporary freaks such us john olson, jessica rylan, the hair police dudes, cassis cornuta, peter colovos, his trio with flaherty and corsano and his part in thurston moore's dream action unit. for this record it's mostly just spencer yeh (besides one track with ron orovitz) although it sounds like it's 30 different artists! an incredible collection of collaged pieces recorded and mixed from fall 05 till summer 06.
this silver grey vinyl comes in a giant 6 panel silver black gold fold out!" |
"during the last euro tour of wolf eyes, john olson (american tapes) and mike connelly (gods of tundra) decided it was enough! they screamed "i'm not going to bed!!! i never wanna sleep again!!!", they missed their flights and stayed in antwerp with the ultra audiobored horror crew for 7 more weeks without food and drinks, just dry weed and cancerbags to suck on! after that intense test to see if they could adapt to the antwerp life style, they finally met up with legendary belgian eccentric cacti and hat collector cassis cornuta, this psychadelic caracter brought his whole space synth and tape lab over to radio centraal to record and intense last gasp jam with the hardly breathing olson and connelly, the end result is an amazing trip to space and back to the mental hospital!
comes in a gross 6 panel cover design and with an etch on the b side!" |
"san francisco's most german electronic creeper hans gr�sel does it again, after seeing their amazing performance at no fun this year i couldnt wait to do a record with these weirdo's!
amazing layered synth madness!! using a mountain of instruments i never heard of these 2 long compositions give you the worst melancholic sunday afternoon feeling, "the party is over", all you're left with is a horrific hangover that will never leave you, thinking of the carnaval the night before this is another miserable day indeed, you'll have to wear the hottest costume again, your head is made of wood and nothing makes sense anymore. this is beautiful analog electronic composer/concr�te madness with an old piano trumpet sauce, everytime you'll find new sounds!!! also, be sure to find them live somewhere, the only band that can actually play music while wearing huge wooden houses on their heads. the cover for this record is the second in a serie of 5 lp's with 6 panel fold out covers by snotyfus! this one has a huge green wooden house raster on the outside and a full colour village krank on the inside!
limited to 500 copies! " |
"Disney characters with 4 eyes, squirrels without a nose and purple owls with a yellow mohawk are siked to announce this new Daniel Padden LP. Daniel Padden is a multi-instrumentalist and a full time member of the UK-based goof troupe, Volcano The Bear. For this new LP he used piano, harmonium, cello, amplifier, zither, tape recorder, concertina, banjo, thumb piano, viola, organ etc.. to create a beautiful fictional soundtrack for a cartoon film that had to be made in the '50s, but could have been made during yesterday's hurricane too. Or; a free dude going folk while trying to play chamber music and pouring a disgusting concr�te tape collage sauce over the finished total.
Comes in a watercolour/crayon/collaged cover by Dennis Tyfus, 400 copies." |
"Definatly one of the grimmest releases on UE so far... a swarm of bees are after you in your own house, they're everywhere and you can't run out either cos in front of the only door of your "crib" the half man half beast god rapist is waiting for you... if this creature whispers it's 56 times louder then a normal human being, if it touches you softly with it's fingernails you'll bleed to death, if it walks you'll hear a pounding stomp from miles away... it perfectly makes sense, it's name is Nate Young, part of the meanest band on earth Wolf Eyes, full time lathe cutter and grim co label owner of Arian Asshole with his lady Alivia Zyvich. A part of the recordings on this new LP were soundtracks for Alivia's filmwork, a bunch of it was already released as a limited cdr on Fag Tapes, the rest of this LP is brand new and f**king creepy, even if you put the volume at 1 you'll be pierced and screaming like a spazz. Beautiful heavy layers of tick synth sperm, bells, and creepitronics!
This is the first in the series of 5 LPs that will have huuuuge 6 panel fold-out record covers by Dennis Tyfus, this one is full of black and orange human beasts on the outside and a red/green psychadelic eye burner on the inside! Limited to 500 copies." |
"Can't aka Jessica Rylan is a soundartist/performer/dancer/singer from Reading, Boston and her records feel like a diary book. Kind of weird to listen to this one goes again one step further then her LP on RRR and her other tape and CDR work, it still includes her amazing sensitive homemade synthesizer work but besides that there's a vocal only piece on it recorded in the Antwerp Cathedral, a piece with minimal use of a drumset, another vocal only piece sung in her kitchen, a very sad piano and voice piece recorded in a boathouse in Antwerp. This records feels like a human being pressed onto vinyl, you can still smell the burning skin... very unreal and very unconfortable, but at the same time like an honour this music is for everyone! A lot of heavy mixed feelings, sadness, happiness and joy on one LP! and still uncomparable to any other recording artist!"
Includes liner notes by Thurston Moore and comes housed in a psych inspired neon pink on yellow sleeve designed by Dennis Tyfus." |
"this is a collection of rare and unreleased tracks by these crazed heavy industrialised weirdos from sweden! all recorded between 1986 and 1988. originally formed in 85 by kai parviainen and mats lundberg (who later got replaced by landgang) ENEMA SYRINGE played heavy monotone simple noise industrial the way it should be done; straight forward, loud, heavy and simple!! brutal toy synths and repetitive beats dominate the whole recorded archive and the few live sets this duo did, spiced with horrific sounding lyrics in swedish (usually about funnier things then the usual industrial fan would hope for like farts, massage shops, etc..) all of the tracks on this lp are recorded without any mixing possibilty straight onto two channels with a marrantz amp and a tape deck, prophet one, casio RZ1 drummachine, casio toy synth, an old rhythm box and vocals thu headphones and a crappy mike! these beats are the best fist in the airpumpers ever, reminding of early throbbing gristle, club moral or more recent wolf eyes and meerk puffy!
the lp comes with liner notes by kai parviainen, a discography, and is completely remastered. artwork by dennis tyfus limited to 400 copies" |
"Two of the most intense young "free" dudes from different parts of the globe: Nmperign's Greg Kelley from Boston and Scatter's Alex Neilson from Leeds unite for this completely weird record, taking free music to a different level. This sounds like moving the heaviest metal closet on a little rubber boat from Brighton to the east coast of the United States, kicking off with a heavy free jazzy tune full of retarded trumpets stuffed with little babies screaming for a change slightly changing into ice cold acoustic metal scraping ambience. Tons of different sounds to discover and very unclear whether they came out of a trumpet, a drumset, a mouth or a whale."
Comes in a black and silver fine line drawn cover by Dennis Tyfus with an insert. Limited to 400 copies." |
"I was blown away when I got access to the extremely big archive of this Belgian analog synth king, a ton of reel tapes were left behind, a bunch of them not mentioning and information, a bunch of them not mentioning a vague date. Edmond De Deyster was a rather shy nihilist, who didn't even tell his own family he was making music until the late eighties. He never released anything because he thought no one was interested in his psychedelic synth sounds. Sadly he died in 1999, the last 6 years of his life he didn't record any music anymore. This is a first selection of his archive, taken from 2 reel tapes mentioning 1975, no other info. I hope it's the earliest recordings he did, but I am not sure, as it's possible that the reels that don't mention anything were recorded at an earlier date... His early stuff is comparable to the more symphonic sounding synthesizer waves and tones of Conrad Schnitzler for example. Beautiful dark synth explosives, blurry and squirky layered sounds, I wish this was really and endless record spinning all day long while I'm "working"!"
Limited to 400 copies, packaged in a sleeve featuring a blown up photograph of Edmond De Deyster with family." |
"It's not a church anymore, it's an ex church, it's used now for cultural purposes, noot for praying and religious madness anymore." those are the exact words some random anxious pedestrian yelled at Chris Corsano and Paul Flaherty, trying to stop them from putting the St John Renaissance Theater in Louisville, Kentucky on fire. Paul Flaherty used his long grey beard to start the fire and blew as high as he could with a rusted tenor and alto saxophone, the flames went high, but not hight enough for Chris Corsano aka the last drummer on earth! Chris throws oil and lighter fluid on there to spice up the barbeque a bit. This is a beautiful live recording by these two amazing free jazz musicians from Massachussets/USA. It sounds a bit different than their other recordings as it is indeed recorded in a church. It has a thick/full natural reverb on it which gets fully adopted in their music!!!
This record is packed in a black on gold drawing by Dennis Tyfus. Limited to 400 pieces." |
"Dip your genitals in some lighter fluid or break a glass tube and shove it up there, stick needles up there too, and then try to piss it all out!!! dangerous dark old men are watching you while youre doing this, and take you to a rather grim forrest to watch u piss onto the j-tar while a thick cloud of smoke comes out of a borrowed amp and a sad new wave of splatter metal sounds kill your ears, its unfortunate that you hear these things 9 times louder than other human beings. when you feel the cold breeze in your neck, you know wolf eyes is around and you know you better grab your brew and jet!!! dont listen to this record while wearing sandals as your feet might freeze off.
pressed on transparant bloody red vinyl with a see through silkscreen on the b side printed with black vomit. only 400 made." |